Chapter 18: Forever Your's

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*A Week Later*

*Louis POV*

Me and Harry have been doing a lot better this past week. I don't drink and Ive replaced everything in the house that I had broken. Im glad I did because I really didn't want him to get mad again and we also had two babies in the house. Luca and Noah have been amazing and they really don't fuss that much anymore. Amnesia I can tell has been feeling neglected since the boys where born.

"Honey whats wrong?" I asked her

"Papa ever since No and Lu were born no one pays attention to me. I mean Uncle Z always plays with me but he hasn't been and I was daddies little girl now he's bossy with the boys."

"Nez the boys are only babies they need a lot of attention right now. how about this I ask Z if you can take a break from making out with Li and you and him go do something I know how much you miss that."

"Thank you papa."

After I walked away Nez seemed a lot better. I hate it when my little girl doesn't feel loved, I mean sure she isn't blood but who really cares she's my first child that I really loved and just because the boys are mine mine like blood doesn't mean I love them more.

Its starting to scare me because Nez is growing up so fast and soon she will be in high school and then college them getting married. I just hope no one fucks that up. I sweat to god if her boyfriend turns out like Nik I'm gonna kick his ass, She's my baby girl.

I walked through the house to see if I could find Harry. I found him in the kitchen writing something down. "What are you writing baby." He jumped.

"You arse....and nothing Its just a shopping list."

"Oh ya let me see it."

"Funny...but I think I should tell you something."

"What is it." His eyes grew sad and a frown formed on his lips.

"Well I just don't want anything like that happened to happen again. Louis I love you and well we are married still but what kills me the most is that you called me those names and well that really got to me. Made me feel like I was back in a relationship with Nik. Louis I don't want to feel like you don't love me anymore. I want to be loved by you. Your the love of my life and I don't want to feel so worthless. Please baby don't ever do that again because I swear I will leave and I will not be in this country when I do.."

Hearing Harry tell me how he felt when we had that fight was horrid, I felt as though I have no right to be in his life because I'm the one that made him feels that way and I regret it.

"Harry I love you so much. What I did was so wrong and there is nothing I regret more then letting you walk through that door. We will have fights but I promise as long as I live that nothing like that will even come out of my mouth ever again and If it does I will understand if you do leave because you gave me a warning and I still did it. You are my life Harry, you and the kids are, and I will do everything in my power to make sure you are safe and well treated. Your my light in dark and My needle and thread when my heart is breaking. You make me whole and If I loose you I also loose the kids and if that happens I no longer have a heart because you took it with you." I spoke those words naturally, they flowed off my tongue like butter and I really liked that feeling it told me that it was all true, which it all was and i would rather kill myself then even hurt Harry and the kids again in my life.

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