Chapter 2: Meeting Mr. Right

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*Louis POV*

I was at the store working like always. When I got a text from Liam and it said something about a surprise from Zayn was going to the store. The front door rung and I heard a little girl giggling with her dad, Zayn was walking next to then and smiles at me. What the hell?

They went to the dolls and the girls dad put her down and she ran to the dolls. The man was paying attention to find the perfect doll when she just walked away and zany sat there like 'go get her.' I ran to get her and heard her dad freaking out.

"Amnesia where are you honey, Zayn why are you sitting there find my daughter." He yelled as i walked to him with the little girl.

"looking for someone." I said

"oh thank you so much. she loves to run off."

"Im Louis."

"Hi Im Harry and this is Amnesia but we call her Nezzy."

"Is she your and Zayn's daughter."

"No no no me and my ex daughter. he doesn't see her or else he would be here."

"Oh well I'll leave you to find cuties doll then." I walked away from them and went to Zayn.

"So was that my surprise you want me to hook up with a guy that has a kid."

"Dude Harry's been through a lot. He was 16 when he had her, and Nick left them when he found out. Harry just wants her to have another dad, and I want him to be happy. He's my best mate, He loves it when people play with Nezzy, he hopes to find a guy that she gets along with first."

"Really wow. So he wants her to pick out the people he dates."

"Yeah she is his life and more. hell he wouldn't be the man he is today with out her. Nick was an ass to him always drinking and doing drugs, hell even hit him a couple times. Tell you what he never got drunk or stoned after I found the bruises on Harry, and heres your chance to play with Nezzy she's right behind you." I turned around and there she was. "Hi honey what are you doing, is daddy finding you a dolly." she nodded giggling. "why don't we go help him then huh?"

I walk to Harry and find him looking at the dolls. "The best ones are the talking ones or the ones you can feed, my baby sisters like them at least. Gave me a reason not to play tea party with them anymore."

"Hahahah Lol thanks, Nezzy do you want one like that honey, your papa gave me money we can get one."

"yes daddy." she giggled

"so shall we go pay." I said smiling

"yes please."

I checked him out and asked him to sign the ticket, when I looked down at it it had his number in it. I looked up at him and he winked and Zayn smiled at me while Nezzy waved and giggled. Wow maybe Zayn was right, he does let his daughter choose who to date.

*Harry's POV*

"I hope he calls Z. I mean did you see how he played with Nezzy and hes cute." I giggled

"He will Harry i know him, Hes a nice lad very good with kids and he is also 23. Hes in college right now studying to be an English teacher."

"Wo-" I got cut off by my phone ringing. "Harry Styles speaking."

"hey Harry its Louis. I guess Zayn was right when he said you let your daughter pick the guy."

"well of course I do if they dont get along with her and she doesn't like them then I wont date them. She comes first."

"Awwwe cute well I was wondering if you wanted to go out saturday night you can bring Nezzy I mean you two seem like a package deal and I'd like to get to know you and see her. She's so cute."

"Sure sounds great. Um text me and tell me where yournthinking about taking us cause I dont let nez have certain things."

"Okay will do good night."

"Night." I hung up and Zayn chuckled at me, Nezzy was fast asleep so I just let her stay at Zayns and I went home. It would be so much easier on me in the morning that way, I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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