Chapter 13: My Babies

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*Harrys POV*

Me and Louis had just woke up and we didn't want to get Nez up yet cause she needed sleep as much as I did. Louis was currently getting ready to go out and get us some food. I cant wait till I have my babies they are gonna be so cute. I walk up to Amnesias door and open it to look in. My baby girl is so cute she is the prettiest thing in the world. Im so happy I have her I mean it's a different story when the father is a condescending ass who doesn't give two shits about her, but would stay with me because I'm a good fuck. Well now that I look back on it, I don't regret getting together with her dad, I wouldn't have her and without her I wouldn't know Louis. I swiped my thumb across my babies face and she stirred. It kinda scared me so I jumped back so I just left the room and went back to sitting around waiting for Louis to return.

10 mins later Nezzy comes down stairs and yawns while rubbing her eyes, She walks to the kitchen gets a glass of milk puts it in the microwave for a few and goes back to her room. Its amazing how she wakes up, If you give her coffee of orange juice she will just sleep, but once you give her a glass of warm milk and send her to her room to get dressed and everything she is just and jumping around. Louis came home just as Nez was coming to sit with me.

"Hi Papa, Hi Daddy." She stated with a wide smile

"Hi babygirl your up early." Louis told her.

"Daddy came into the room and was rubbing my face."

"Im sorry honey next time I will leave you be." I said with a frown

"Its fine daddy I liked it. So when is Luca and Noah gonna be born, I cant wait to meet them."

"Soon baby Soon." Louis said with a smile. I decided to walk to mine and Louis room to get dressed for breakfast. As I was walking up Louis ran to me.

"Babe is eggs and bacon fine with you. We have fruit to." but right as he said that My water broke. "Babe did you just pee your pants"

"Ummm no. Babe my water just broke." That was kinda a really bad idea because Louis started freaking out

"OMG WHAT BABE WE NEED TO GET YOUR STUFF AND GO. AMNESIA GET CLOTHES AND COME ON DADDYS GONNA HAVE THE BOYS SOON." Louis yells and then next thing you know is Nez running all over the place trying to get her stuff and Im laughing cause i hvant even been hit with a contraction yet but Louis and her are freaking out. You can really tell that Louis has never had a kid before. But Im glad he is like this, gives me a sense of mind that he will be up and at it when the babies are starting to come out.

"Louis calm down, come on we live 20 mins away from the hospital, lets go get mine and the babies things and then we all can go. I need to call my mom your mom Gemma and your sisters. Nez calm down like your father, you guys are over reacting but I kinda like it Nez your bags are by the door in your room go get them, Louis come on we have to get the car seat and the diaper bag and everything like that into the car."

"Okay I'm calm." Louis stated and when his breathing was normal he was back to the way it was, Nez ran up stairs to her room and Louis and I headed to our room. When the car seat was hooked up I felt the first contraction, Louis rushed to my side. "Whats wrong."

"Contraction you fuck wit hat do you think it is, Get your ass in the car and then we can talk about what is going on." Louis new I was serious because he looked me in the eyes and hurried to the drivers seat. This was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. Nez only took 6 hours to have because the contractions were just fast, but these twins might come sooner because of the fact that well really I don't know they are boys and my sister has had boys she told me that it was some what fast but it hurt because they were so big. My nephews were each 8 pounds 3 ounces and they were 6 inches, for both of them I thought that was amazing when the doctor told us.


"Im trying to go as fast as I can love I mean its kind of hard because I don't want to get a ticket."


"Babe I know you don't mean this so Im just gonna let you vent what your feeling, Im here for you and you know this. and Nez don't cry and think we will split up because we wont."

"Ohh Nez daddy didn't mean to make you cry.........AHHHHH FUCK LOUIS HURRY UP." I drove as fast as I could to the hospital and right when we got there nurses had a bed ready, I grabbed Nez and we all ran to the room. Harry was in so much pain and he didn't want a epidermal because they hurt his mothers back when she had one while in labor with him. I could see it now, A very lonely and very hurting Harry in a hospital room about to give birth to Amnesia without her father there. I wont leave him.

*Harrys POV*

Ive never been in so much pain in my life, I mean sure I was with Nezzy but Zayn was there and my mom, but the person that would of made it all better wasn't there. Im happy that Louis is here to see the birth of his sons, Luca and Noah have an amazing papa.

Its been 5 hours. 5 hours since ive been in labor.My doctor told me that I am so close to giving birth. I just needed one more dilation. That didn't happen for another hour though and it was hurting.

"K Harry your ready to push Louis if you will hold up one of his legs please." they held my legs and the doctor told me to push. "Ok Harry come push push push."

"AHHHHHHHHH. Louis your not fucken touching me after this."

"Push baby push lets met our babies."

"Come or Harry Noahs almost out just need his shoulders." then I heard Noah cry and it was beautiful. "Harry Luca needs to come out now. Push Push Push....Oh so close I can see his head. Louis ready to meet your other son." Louis was crying and I was just screaming like I cant tell you how much it hurt, you have to go through it yourself. But it was worth it to hold my sons. "And luca is out."

"Why isn't he crying... Louis wants wrong with my baby."

"Harry hes fine some babies dont cry when they come out Lucas eyes are open."

"Let me hold my babies."

*Louis POV*

I got to see Harry smile like no other, When the nurse put our sons in Harrys arms he just lost it. I went and got Nez so she can meet them. Im finally a father and Im so happy that its with Harry. Now its wedding planning time for our mums.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you to Louis."

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