Chapter 14: Fights and Late Nights

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*Harry POV*

Its been 2 months since the boys have been born and Louis hasn't really been home. He doesn't even hall me with them. I get up and change and feed and bath them I do everything. He dent get home till go knows when In the morning and on top of that he comes home drunk.

It was currently 2 in the morning and Louis just stumbled through the door. Im sitting in the living room waiting for him, Im so done with everything that has been going on.

"Louis William Tomlinson."


"Do you know what time it is and that your drunk. We have children in the house you need to fucking stop."

"Oh Shut up Harry your just a worthless piece of shit, Why did I even get you pregnant or ask you to marry me. I mean look at you......look at me. Look how different we are. Im rich I can get anyone I want but for some god only knows reason I fucking chose a worthless fat-ass like you."

I just lost it, i was n tears and I fell to the ground I didn't really know what to do Why would he stay stuff to me like that. I let out a sob and that seemed to sober him up pretty quick. "Harry baby im so sorry."

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME. YOU ARE JUST LIKE FUCKING NICK. IM DONE WITH THIS. YOU THINK IM WORTHLESS AND THAT IM A FATASS IM LEAVING. AND IM TAKE MY KIDS. YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO ME A FATER TO NOAH AND LUCA. AND TO THINK THAT DAY AT TOYS R US I LET YOU HOLD MY DAUGHTER. I WISH I NEVER MET YOU LOUIS TOMLINSON." with that I took of my ring and chucked it at him. I got to Nezzy's room and woke her up telling her to pack a bag full of clothes. While she did that I went got my clothes and the boys clothes and the boys. When we and the kids were walking out Louis was gone. I really didn't care as I walked out of the house that I spent a year at with someone I thought loved me for me, but really didn't. Nez looked at me with sad eyes as I buckled her in her seat and did the boys as well. I knew she would miss Louis but it was his fault this is happening. I wasn't gonna raise twins by myself even though he was there supporting us. I would rather raise a baby by myself and pay for everything by myself than live with someone who is supped to help me but isn't their because he's out getting drunk and not caring. I get that its hard twins are double the work but that doesn't mean you give up. All the crying had to get to him or else he would still be here and this wouldn't of happened.


"Hey Z. um I kinda left Louis so I was wondering if I could stay with you for a while. I know I have the boys and Nez but I really need somewhere to go."

"Sure Haz you know your always welcome to come and stay. If the boys and Nez are asleep when you get here then we can talk about what he did to make you leave him."

"Okay im on your street can you come out and get Nez."


I pull up to Zs house and when the boys and Nez are fully asleep I tell Zayn what had happened, I could see his eyes turn dark in hatred. I seen him this way with Nik when Nik was being as ass to me when he left. I had to get Liam to hold Zayn down so Z wouldn't go and kill Nik. Zayn got up and walked out the door. I new what he was gonna do but I didn't have the energy to stop him. Plus Zayn warned Louis not to hurt me, but he did anyway.

*Zayns POV*

Right when Harry told me what Louis has been doing and what he had called him, I coulnt take it anymore. I mean I warned Louis not to hurt him and after a fucking year what the hell does he do....Hurts him. Im beyond furious I want to kill that son of a bitch. Maybe when I dont with Louis I can fing that Niall guy that Harry said was Nezzys teacher and they can get together. After I do a full of background check.

I get to Louis house and Bang on the door.

"FUCKING ANSWERE THE DOOR YOU PUSSY, I WANT TO GIVE YOU A TASTE OF YOUR OWN MEDICINE. HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO HARRY. AFTER I WARNED YOU NOT TO." there was nothing, so I brock down the door. I seen Liam sitting on the cough with a crying Louis and I just laugh.

"HE DOES NOT GET TO CRY LIAM....WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM YOU PIECE OF SHIT." I grab Liam and push him to the ground, then a grab Louis by his collar and pin him agents the wall. he winced in pain but I didn't care he had no right to do that. Fucking Harry also was pregnant with louis kids two months ago. "TO THINK YOU HAD FUCKING KIDS WITH HIM, YOU DONT DESERVE ANY OF THEM." I pushed him up higher only wall by his collar and looked at him. He had tear stained cheeks and had more falling out his eyes. For one spilt second I almost reconsidered beating his ass, but then I remembered, He deserves it. "Zayn, Come on mate, let him go." Liam said slowly, trying not to push my temper. I continued to look at Louis. He trembled under my stare. "Im not going to let him go until he pays for hurting Harry. He is a little pussy for walking away the way he did, he doesn't deserve his kids, he doesn't deserve a guy like Harry. Your weak, Louis. You don't know anything. You have no right to cry you have no right to sit here and wonder what went wrong, when you were the problem all along. So don't act so innocent." I pushed him on the ground and watched him struggle to get up. As I was turning to walk away I remembered one thing, "Oh and Louis?" He hums in response and in all my power I turn around and punch him in the jaw hard enough to knock him out. "That one was for Harry you piece of shit."

*Louis POV*

After Harry left I ran to the back to call Liam I need a friend and I needed someone to talk to about what I should do. I seen Harry look around to try and find me but he shrugged it off and picked up the boys and left. I thought we were forever, but the again I have no right to say that because im the one that made this happen. All the late nights and not getting any sleep was getting to me. I mean I have bags under my eyes and I look like crap. But now that I looked at it, Harry looked even worse ive been out getting drunk and sleeping with other people, Yes I slept with other people, While Harry gets up with the twins during the night, gets Nez up for school and does the house work and everything else because im not there. God if my mother finds out, Im gonna be working my ass off and the record label. She will make sure my father knows.

Zayn has sent Liam some pictures of harry and wow he looks bad, Face all red and puffy with tear stains. And apparently Nez has been trying to see Harry but he wont let anyone see him. Zayn has been taking care of the boys. And I heard from Liam that Zayn was gonna set Harry up with Nezzys old teacher. I mean sure im upset about that but I dont deserve him. How in the world is he gonna forgive me for being such an ass.

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