Chapter 4: War & Moving

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*Nick's POV*

When that Louis dude through me out of Harry's flat that pissed me off. I mean that's my daughter and ex boyfriend who does he think he is coming into this like he has known Harry forever. I stalked the house, I seen Louis leave and come back with bags of stuff and Harry putting on a movie for Nez, Then harry grabbed a bag from Louis and smiles as they walked into the kitchen. They were gonna cook dinner like a family, Thats supposed to be me. What hurt the most is that Harry was smiling at Louis like he use to smile at me when we were together, I was a football star I couldn't have a kid, it would of ruined me. Then Harry put on some music. I could hear it, The song that was playing was mine and his favorite song to dance around with. He grabbed Louis hand and was dancing with him. Then a slow song came on and Louis pulled him close, nose to nose, chest to chess then what happened next pissed me off more.

Louis kissed him. HE FUCKEN KISSED HARRY. Oh now the war begins ass hole. I get out of the car and take the bat from the backseat and break a kitsch window. Harry turns his head and looks right into my eyes, Nez runs right to Louis and I give them a warning. "This mans war Louis. I will get Harry and my daughter back. Even if it means fighting dirty. I WILL WIN."

*Harry's POV*

Me and Louis lips were locked and then I heard a window smash. I pulled away to see Nick in the window, Nez must have heard and got scared cause she came running in crying and ring into Louis arms. "I will win." was the last thing I heard. I knew Nick could be scary but I didn't think he would put his own daughter in danger. Thats when it happened, I fell on my knees sobbing. I heard a gasp and Louis on his knees with Nez on his side, He kissed my head and looked at me.

"Harry I wont let Nick hurt you, Pack clothes and Personal stuff your moving and living with me. I'll protect you and Nezzy."

"Louis you dont have to. Just leave me and Nez, I'll just go back to Nick."

"No because if you do then he will just leave again and when you find another boyfriend he will do the same thing. Come with me you'll be safe I promise."

I wasn't gonna argue with Louis I knew he was doing what was right, I wiped my tears and kissed my daughter telling her it will be okay. Louis helped me pack by packing her stuff, We left 2 hours later up to a nice mansion.

"Hello sir welcome home." someone said through a speaker.

"Helloe Edward we have some house guests open the gate and meet me at the door."

"Will do Mr. Tomlinson." I was shocked, was their something Louis wasn't telling me.

*Louis POV*

"I know your confused, I'll explain inside and Nez gets to meet my sisters, they are over today."


I pulled up and Edward and some of my other staff got Harr's bags. Nez goes in one of the guest room and Harry's is the one next to mine. I'm welcomed at the door with screams of my name and tacked to the ground. "Ow girls I have guests please get off."

"Sorry Lou. Who is the tall man. He's cute."

"This is Harry and the little girl he is holding is his daughter Amnesia, Harry this is Lottie, Fizzy,Phede, and Daisy, I have another sister named Easter and a brother named Ernest but my mum has them. Fiz Lot why dont you take Nezzy to the back and play, I have to talk to her dad." Nezzy was more than happy to go play, I took Harry to the kitchen and made us a cup of tea. "So as you may see i'm pretty wealthy."

"Um yeah."

"Harry I didn't lie to you if that's what you think. I do work at Toys R Us but thats because I have to pay for College myself. My father is the owner of Tommo Studios and pays for my house and stuff. I'm his only son. My sisters and brother is from my step father."

"Oh wow."

"Yeah, want a tour. You might like it here." I took him around the house. I showed him the game room, Cinema room, Living room, Dinning room, Pool and Hot tub room, His room, My room, and Nezzys room. Then we went outside and I showed him the ties court, Play fort, Green house, and Soccer field. He was wide eyes at all of it and I promised him that if he stays here this all can be his as well. I could tell Nezzy likes it, The play fort was pretty big. I told Edward to go shopping and get some pink and grey paint plus something's for Nezzys room. Lot and Fiz liked Nez always holding her hand and stuff, later that night we all got in the pool, Harry had Nez cause she couldn't swim yet....Mental check one: pay for swim lessons. I swan over to Nez and tickled her foot, she giggled and hid her face in Harry's chest as he smiled at me. I swan over to Lottie and Fiz talking to them for a bit. 30 mins past and I seen Harry and Nez about to get out. Was I making them fell bad?

"Haz where you going."

"Nez is cold Im gonna put her in Jamies and put her to sleep in my room."

"I'll go with..Hold up."I got out of the pool and told Lot she was in charge, I grabbed Nez from Harry and threw her in the air. As I did that she giggled and when I stopped she said a word that had me in tears.


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