Chapter 17: Luca and Louis

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*Louis POV*

Liam and Amnesia went to the park. I know that because im here to, I see my litte boy, I think that one is Luca Harry must have Noah. I cant believe how big they are already. I walk around and sit on a bench.

"Louis is that you?" Liam Yelled at me from his spot under a tres.

"Ya Hey Liam."

"Wanna hang out I mean Harry isn't here so I dont think he is gonna do anything. Im sure you remember you sun Luca."

"Hi baby boy im your papa." Luca just giggles and hit my nose with his hand. I looked over to see Nez coming this way. "Hi baby girl."

"PAPA. Oh I miss you." she stated hugging me

"Miss you to love, how is your daddy. Oh how I miss him so much. And you and your brothers of course."

"He misses you alot. He went out on a date with my teacher but I dont think he likes him that much. Noah hates him. Hahahah it was funny because one day Mr. Niall came over and was bouncing Noah and Noah just spit up all over him and he giggled and hit him, Papa it was so funny. But daddy misses you a lot. He stays in his room and only comes out to get Noah and Luca a bottle and to hang with me fora bit, other then that he is invisible to the world."

"Oh my pour Hazza, I need to make it up to him ive been a shit husband and a shit dad and I need to step it up before Nik comes back into the picture. Can I get a pic with you and Luca Nezzy."

"Sure Papa." I hld Luca in my arms and Nez sits on my lap, as I snap a pic of us on Insta gram and Facebook. I hope Harry doesn't see it because thats the last thing I want. After I took the picture Luca didn't want to leave my arms. He knew I was his Papa. He squirmed and wiggled I'm my arms as I tickled my baby boy. It was amazing how muched Luca looked like Harry, It was kinda cute.

"Noah looks like you." Liam stated


"Ya thats why Harry has him, Harry really misses you. Hell even Noah misses you. Thats why he never liked Niall because he wanted his true Papa."

"I just want everything to be okay. I love Harry and I didn't mean to do what I did and it hurts me thinking that I caused him so much pain that he doesn't leave his room. I just want to make it right."

"I know Louis I know. How about this. I'll set something up for you and Harry. Ill even take some videos of you right now with Luca to show to him."

"Thats a good idea. Im gonna go play with Luca on the swings now and ill push Nez as well. So if you want to." After I said tat he nodded and I put my baby on the ground and as I took a step he took one to. trying to be like papa and walk. when we made it to the swings Nex beat us and look her spot. I sat Luca down and pushed her to get her going. When she told me to stop I put my baby in the baby swing and pushed him but not to high. He giggled as the wind hit his face and I laughed as well. Only if Harry and Noah were here this could be a family thing. My pushing Luca while He push Noah and Nez swinging on her own. When I sat down in front of Luca he giggles at me and tried reaching for my nose. I heard foot steps and noticed a big shadow come in front on me. Luca giggled and reached his arms up Yelling Dada and I metally slap myself.

Harry is behind me.

*Harrys POV*

When I sent that pic I knew he was at the park with them. I grab Noah and put him in his seat and put him in the car. When I get to the park I can see Nez on the swing and Louis is in front of Luca while Luca ttys to grab his nose. At the sight I think its cute, I walk over to them and pass Liam.

"Harry dude Louis isn't doing anything wrong don't yell at him you will scare Luca and Noah.."

"Liam Im not gonna yell." as I walk over to Louis and Luca with Noah in my arms, My shadow casts over them and Luca yells Dada. I can see Louis smile drop as he turns around and looks at me. "Louis want are you doing."

"Playing with my son, Im sorry Harry I should of asked and I didn't know what to do I mean you weren't answering and I was here before Liam and seen he had the kids. Im sorry."

"Louis im not mad. I seen your post on facebook and Insta, It made me mad at first sure but then I came here and seen you and Luca, it was cute im sorry that I dumped you baby but hey we are still married and I real want to make this right."

"Harry the house is a mess and Ive missed you and the kids so much. I stopped drinking and if you let me id like to prove to you that I love you and want to be with you. Im not like Nik and I never will be. Move back in with the kids please but after I clean up the house a bit.

"Id like that a lot."

I grabed Luca and Nez and we all had a family hug. Me and Louis switched kids and I took Luca to hold him for a bit. It was amazing how my family went from broken to fixed in a few seconds. I love Louis and I always will.

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