Chapter10: Maybe Baby

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*After Honeymoon*

*Harry's POV*

I kinda felt bad because we were supposed to be gone for a month and a half. but ended up leaving after the month was over cause I was throwing up and dent feel good. We thought it was cold but sadly it wasn't so we had to come home. Nez was happy about it its been about a week since we have been home and today I have a doctors visit, but first I wanted to make sure it wasn't what I thought it was. I had three pregnancy tests on the counter and Louis had no idea what I was doing. He was behind the door.

"Babe come out of there what are you doing." Louis yelled

"Hold on. 15 mins." After I took the tests I sat on the toilet for what felt like forever. I heard my timer go off and I just couldn't believe it, All three of the tests said positive on them. I screamed and hear Louis banging on the door.

"Harry baby open the door whats wrong." I opened the door and he looked at what I was holding. " we're having a baby." Louis was speechless. he took the tests and started crying. Nez was going to be a big sister and Louis was going to be a real father.

"Im gonna be a papa. OMG I'm so happy. Harry this is amazing."

"Ik im so happy but lets go see how our baby is doing." we left to go to the doctors and well we knew who he was well I did because he helps me with Nez.

"Hello Im Dr.Thomas. Oh hi Harry."

"So Doc we know whats wrong."

"What is it."

"Were having a baby. So just do the ultra sound."

"Wow Harry thats great. So happy for you. you know the drill shirt off and the gell is cold." we did the appointment and I was so happy he told me that in 3 months I would tell if it was a boy or girl. Louis wants a son as we have already discovered. I can see it now, Louis chasing Little Noah around the football field teaching him out to play and be and Nez on the grass laughing while im rubbing my belly with baby Luca. Wow we have some big dreams.

*After 5 months*

"Louis my feet hurt."

"Im sorry baby what can I do what me to rube your feet."

"Yes pleas, and I'm pretty big for only a could months."

"I know baby I have a feeling there more then one."

"Do you really think so."

Me and Louis cuddled on the couch he was rubbing my belly and I was imagining what if would be like to have twins running around. I mean Louis would have two kids and them maybe we can have more. I want a big family like Louis and I want a big family with Louis. I was falling asleep on Louis and I felt him pick me up and carry me to our room. I heard a faint "goodnight my love." and the door shut. didn't wake up for an hour and when I did Louis wasn't home.


I went to get Nez an go to the shop I'll be back soon my love.


He always has something sweet to do for me. I looked around and the house was dark, weird. I pulled the curtains back and started to clean the kitchen so that when Lois gets back he can cook dinner with no worry. I was about to go up the stairs to clean new room when I seen a shadow and that the front door was open I looked around and no one was there. "Louis." then there was a crash and I ran into my room, holding my belly I hid in the closet. I seen feet walking passed and I looked up.....Nick. I was panicking I took out my phone and called Louis.

"Harry babe are you okay."

"Im fine but Nicks here. hurry Lou hes got a gun. im in the closet and im scared me and the boys' need you."

"Wait boys oh shit Im down the street ill be there in a second keep calm ba...." Nick flung open the doors and grabbed my foot. I left the phone on the floor.

"You think you can get away from my you little bitch. Oh and look your having another baby."

"Nick please leave me alone. ill go with you. what do you want."

"Oh no im done with you. You hurt me when I heard you were getting married to Louis, now you have a little shit on the way."

"We have two on the way. please Nick put the gun down. You dont what to do this nez will be home with Louis soon and I dont want you to scare her. your here father she doesn't want to see you mad."

"I dont give a fuck." and the gun went off. My breath hitched and I fell to the floor, I looked down at my belly and seen it was bleeding, I held it. Nick was looking at me with that smug face and laughing. My babies are dead because I fell in love with an asshole like Nick. The last thing I saw was Nick clubbing out the window and Louis falling next to me screaming. I mumbled an "I love you.".....then I blacked out.

*Louis POV*

Me and Nez were on our way home when I got the call form Harry. "Harry babe are you okay." I heard heavy berthing and whimpers. Then I heard that someone else was in the room with him.

"Im fine but Nicks here. hurry Lou hes got a gun. im in the closet and im scared me and the boys' need you."

"Wait boys oh shit Im down the street ill be there in a second keep calm ba...."

"You think you can get away from my you little bitch. Oh and look your having another baby."

"Nick please leave me alone. Ill go with you. what do you want."

"Harry Harry." I screamed into the phone. I was crying and Im so happy Nez was asleep I was going way over the speed limit. I was on the phone still listening in. When I got to the house I ward a shot Nez shot up and started crying so I grabbed her and told her to go to the niebors house and stay there. When I ran inside I went up to our room and seen Nick climbing out the window.....Then I looked down.

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