Chapter 5: Papa & Meeting Mum

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*Louis POV*

"What did she just call me."

"Louis I think she called you papa."

"Say it again."

She giggled "Papa." Harry was crying and I was tearing up. I couldn't wait to go into town or something and have her cal me that while Nick was watching and listening in. She just called me papa and im so happy.

"Harry by my boyfriend and can Nezzy be my daughter. I want to protect you, I want to kick a guys ass if they break her heart, I want to have more babies with you, I want to have more babies with you, I just want you and Nezzy please Hazza I love you."

"Yes Ill be your boyfriend." It was getting late so I told Lot and the girls to get out of the pool and go to bed. Harry and I decided to put Nezzy in her room while we stayed up a bit lover to move his things into my bedroom.

*Harry's POV*

I woke up to my little girl jumping on me. I got up and told her to come down stairs to eat and not to wake up her papa. Lot and the gang were eating and made Nez something as well. She ate fast and jumped up and down, I hurried to get my phone and set it to video. Nezzy crawled on the bed and giggled as she jumped on her papa.

"Papa wake up. Daddy and Nez want kiss."

"Nezzy baby papa wants to sleep." she started to fake cry but only I knew she was faking it. Louis didn't, he shot upend held her close cooing to her. "Oh Nez I didn't mean to make you cry, Papas sorry." She let out a big giggle and Louis gave me a smirk and started tickling her.

"Papa stop it...Daddy help Nezzy." She yelled for me but I just laughter and stopped the video. I posted it on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

"My baby girl tried to wake up her papa but he didn't get up. Plan B: She started 'crying' making @Louis_Tomlinson feel bad and get up. They are currently on the bed Louis tickling her and Nezzy calling for me. I love my little Family."

After I posted it Louis liked it and commented 'My bug is so cute and I lover her daddy more than anything.' Zayn commented '@Louis_Tomlinson and @Harry_Styles glad it worked out with you two. Nezzy has two amazing fathers, and Louis you hurt Harry or Nez I'll kill you.'

What I wasn't expecting was for Nick to see it and comment. '@ZaynMalik1D I will be more than happy to kill him for you' I dropped my phone and Louis came running to me, He must have seen the comment as well.

"Harry honey dont listen to him okay babe. He is trying to get to you, dont let him. Now get your butt in the shower so me, you, Nez and my sisters can all go walk to the mall. I want to treat all of you for gifts today."

"I love you Louis."

"I love you to Harry."

*Louis POV*

After I told Harry we were ging out. He kinda settled down but I knew he was still on edge, so I had some body guards tale us. Nezzy happily giggled in her stroller, she hasn't been in school for a couple days we don't trust anything so I'm gonna get a tutor for her. Lottie and Fizz were happily walking hand in hand with Phoebe and Daisy. When we got to the mall. I let Fiz Lot and the twins go off as a group. Then it was me, Harry and Nez.

"Just get Nezzy stuff I dont need anything."

"Oh no baby not happening, your getting stuff as well."

The whole time Nezzy was giggling calling for me to play with her. We went into a toy shop and Nez picked out a bunch or toys. I've never seen her so happy. She giggled up at me and Harry looked at us fondly. Harryon the other hand only got a few things, Hell we even went to spenders and he didn't want anything so I just took him to a shop he wouldn't say no to and he got like three items. Me, Harry and Nez met the girls at the food court and I got them all a pretzel with cheese, the twins shared, me and Harry shared one and I got Nezzy a corn dog. Harry wasn't happy about that but I told him one was fine.

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