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After Zeke announcing that we are going to do chicken fights and his brief explanation, we get into partners. Naturally, I pair up with Four.

Zeke is with Lauren and Lynn and Uriah are together. I guess the girls will be going on the top.

Uriah groans when Lynn goes on top of him and almost falls over. "Jesus, Lynn, you're so heavy!"

"Well thanks," she replies. "It's what helps me whoop your ass when we fight."

Tobias ducks under the water and I sit on his shoulders. It's kind of awkward because his head is literally in between my legs . . .

His hands hold my legs to stabilize me as he comes out of the water and I'm hoisted higher.

"Tris. You verse Lauren first," he says.

I nod. We approach each other and grasp hands, trying to push each other off. She may be stronger than me, but she's not smarter than me.

She pushes roughly and I pull my hands away. She loses her balance and she almost falls off. I push her while she's not expecting it and she falls off and splashes into the water. I smile victoriously.

"Nice one, Stiff!" Uriah calls.

I roll my eyes. After about another hour of messing around in the pool, Uriah points out that he is hungry.

"Yeah," I reply. "Me too."

We come to a consensus that it's time for lunch. We all walk into the Cafeteria together with wet hair and our clothes on.

I feel my stomach burning as I sit down with my burger. I savor every bite that fills up my empty stomach.

Tobias's hand rests on my thigh as I eat. It feels nice that he always wants to be touching me in some way.

The cafeteria starts to fill up with people who are just getting on their lunch break. Marlene comes first, greeting Uriah happily. Then Christina comes running up to me. I stand out of my seat abruptly.

She wraps me up in her arms. "Tris, Tris, Tris!"

"What happened?" I ask her.

"Will," she says, her face glowing. She seems ecstatic. "He gave me a promise ring. He's been saving up and, oh, I feel so bad for thinking he was cheating!"

"Chris, that's amazing!"

"I know," she says, turning around to see Will walking up to her.

She greets and passionately kisses him, a little too sloppily for my taste. I raise my eyebrows and laugh, turning around to Tobias.

"They seem happy," he says, amused.

"Yeah," I say, sitting back down.

When I turn around a few minutes later, they're gone. Most likely walling back to their apartment . . .

I start small talk with my friends and Tobias when I see Zeke's eyes light up. Shauna walks in apprehensively, eyeing Zeke.

She comes to the table and sets her tray down as far from him as possible when he says, "Shauna."

She turns around and stares at him shyly. "Can I talk to you?" he asks. "Alone?"

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