Snow Day

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Hey guys!
This is my first attempt at a TenRose Fanfiction, so I really hope you enjoy! Votes and follows would make me the happiest fangirl on the universe! Please comment what you think, and you can even make suggestions on what should happen next in my story! Enjoy the feels :D
+All characters owned by BBC but my own plot line+


Roses POV~

It's a snowy day on Earth, and the Doctor has to stop at Cardiff to charge up the TARDIS so we can continue our travels. But there's a slight problem, the Doctor and me cannot open the TARDIS doors. "We've tried everything!" I say, collapsing on the jump-seat.
"See, that's where your wrong, we haven't tried EVERYTHING." The Doctor says, getting up from beside me. He walks over to the doors and immediately starts shoving them.
"Just WHAT, are you doing?" I say, setting down my magazine on the jump seat.
"What'd'y think? Opening the door....manually."
"Is that a good idea?"
"Probably not." He gives it another big shove, but it doesn't move.
"I'll help." I jump up and run over to the Doctor, we both heave the TARDIS doors.
"Why, aren't they opening?" I ask, kicking the doors now.
"Because the TARDIS is low charge, which-" he stops to take a breath "is why we're going to Cardiff."
"Right." I say. Me and the Doctor give the door one last shove, and it finally gives. We both fall out, laughing. It takes us both a second to realise that we've landed a little awkwardly, and he's led on top of me in the falling snow. I am suddenly very aware of his body so close to me. His brown eyes lock with mine. "Rose..I-" he gets stopped by a voice shouting his name in the distance.
"Doctor!" The voice shouts again. We both look sideways and see Jack running towards us. As fast as a flash, The Doctor jumps up out of the snow, holding out a hand to help me up. I take it and we brush of the snow just as Jack arrives.
"Was I interrupting something?" Jack asks, a cheeky grin on his face. I used to fall for that grin, but not anymore. Still, I wrap my arms tightly around him.
"You're alive!" I smile into his shoulder.
"Yeah, about that...Doctor? Care to explain?" Jack says, letting me go.
"Right, yes, sorry....umm, when Rose was the bad wolf, she bought you back from the dead when you were exterminated. But, she kind of bought you back....for good. I had to take the power out of her..." The Doctor drifts off, remembering the moment his lips touched hers for the first time.
"I bought you back...for good?" I look worriedly at Jack.
"Rosie, it's okay. Immortality has proved useful for me anyway. However, Doctor, what I would really love to know is why you left me behind?" Jack sounds slightly annoyed.
"I had to. Immortality in your form is just wrong to Timelords, you're a fixed point in time, ageing but never looking a day older."
"And lookin' good don't ya think?" He winks and me. I pretend not to notice. I'm still feeling bad about making him immortal.
"So...How did you find the TARDIS?" The Doctor asks curiously.
"I've been tracking it for ages, I had to know why I wasn't dying, and I was confusing everyone at the Torchwood base when I never died after fatal experiments. You seemed to be the right person to ask....Still, I won't keep ya busy, I've got an important experiment going on at Torchwood right now, why don't you pop in tomorrow? Take a look? You might find it interesting." Jack says. The doctor smiles.
"Sure. It was good to see you Jack."
"Anytime. See you tomorrow." He waves goodbye and starts walking away.
"Bye Jack!" I call after him, "And stay safe!"
He looks over his shoulder beaming a cheesy grin "Not like I need to!" He runs off and back towards the Torchwood base. I swallow hard.
"You okay?" The Doctor asks, looking at me worriedly,
"'s just..." I trail off.
"I feel so bad, for making him immortal, he can't ever be normal again."
"Rose, it wasn't your fault! And besides, when has Jack ever been normal?"
I crack a smile. He pushes a lock of hair out of my eyes and for a moment I think he might do something else....but he quickly moves away. Moments like this happen to often between us, and they never lead on to anything.
"Right, now the TARDIS is charging, we can explore Cardiff a bit...doesn't quite live up to those Alien adventures....or we could just...hang out in the TARDIS, I could try and get the heating going?"
"Heating sounds good." I smile. He takes my cold hand and leads me inside.

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