The Engagement Party

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Chapter 16

Hey followers! So this chapter kind of sucks, it's quite long and is just about the engagement party, but I had to fit it in somewhere! Don't be a silent reader, tell me what you thought and leave a comment! :D
Ella :))

The engagement party comes quicker than expected. I stand in front of the mirror, staring back at my reflection. I've curled my hair and put it up in a bun, leaving two strands hanging down each side of my face. I've put on simple makeup, not wanting to over-dress. The dress I finally decided on is TARDIS blue, it's tight at the top, and covered in sequins. It flows into a satin skirt, which just reaches my knees. I sigh at my reflection. I look so tired. I turn my head towards the dresser, and I suddenly feel cool hands rest on my waist. I turn around, and look up at the Doctor.
"You look beautiful." He says, tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear.
"Wow," I say looking him up and down "You look amazing!" I smile up at him.
"Really?" He sounds surprised.
"Really really, I can't believe you actually changed out of that suit!" I smile. He's done his hair too.
"Thought I'd change it, just for today." He grins down at me. Laughing, I stand on my tiptoes, and press my lips to his. My hands rest on his shoulders, and he keeps his hands rested on my waist. I pull out o the kiss, and put my hand to his face.
"We should probably go downstairs." I say.
"Are you nervous?" He asks "With telling everyone about the baby?"
"Very." I reply, straightening my dress.
"I'm sure they'll be very happy." He smiles, and kisses my cheek, before taking my hand and leading me downstairs. I stop halfway.
"Oh god." I breathe.
"What? What is it?" The Doctor asks, gripping my hand tighter.
"Mickey's gonna be here. I haven't spoke to him since last years house party, when he hooked up with my friend Terese." I say worriedly.
"Rose, it's fine." He gives me a reassuring smile, and he leads me downstairs. There's already tons of people here, but no sign of Mickey. It's a long round of hugging and people congratulating us both before I even make it to the kitchen. Ella sits on the kitchen table, her legs dangling over the edge.
"Hey!" I say, lifting her up and spinning her around. She giggles and squeals in my arms. I got her dressed this morning, in a beautiful emerald colour satin dress.
It is then when I spot Mickey among everyone in the crowded Living room. I find the Doctor, and pass Ella over to him.
"I'm going to see Mickey." I tell him. I wander back into the Living room, and walk over to Mickey.
"Hey." I say.
"Hi." He says.
"Where's Teresa?" I look around the room, trying to catch sight of the young brunette.
"Called things off with her three weeks ago, she was driving me insane." He scratches his head awkwardly.
"Right." There's an awkward moment if silence before he says
"So you found him?"
"Yeah." I smile.
"So it' and him, now?" He says.
"Of course." I offer him a smile which he returns.
"I'm really happy for you." He says.
"Thank you." I say, before adding"I missed you."
"I missed you too." He says, wrapping his arms around me in a warm hug. We hold each other for a few seconds before letting go, and I tell him I'm going to find The Doctor. He follows me into the kitchen.
"Doctor!" Mickey says.
"Mickey Mouse!" The Doctor says, wrapping his arms around Mickey and patting him on the back.
"How've you been?" The Doctor asks, pulling out of the hug.
"Alright I suppose." He shrugs. Ella runs into the room, chocolate staining her face.
"Mickey!" Ella runs at Mickey, wrapping her arms around his leg.
"She remembers me?" He asks fondly.
"Of course she remembers you," I smile "Uncle Mickey." I lightly punch him on the arm. He smiles and Ella finally lets go.
"Now," The Doctor says, bending down in front of Ella "What's this?" He wipes some of the chocolate from her mouth. Ella smiles and looks away guiltily.
"I thought I said no cake until later." I say.
"Grandma gave it to me." She lies.
"Of course she did. Now go and play with Jenna, she's looking for you." I smile and she runs out the kitchen.
"She's growing fast." Mickey says. Before spotting a girl on the other side of the room "Who's that?" He whispers. I follow his gaze to see a young black haired girl sipping a large glass of wine.
"That's Louise. And yes, she's single. But you might wanna go to talk to her now because by the looks of how much wine she's drinking, she'll be out of it after the hour." I giggle. He walks over to her, obviously offering his best pick-up line. I sigh and roll my eyes. I spot Mum and Dad discussing wine in the cooler room.
"I think I should tell them about the baby before everyone else." I say to the Doctor.
"Good idea. I'll come too." He follows me to the cooler room.
"Mum, Dad," I smile at them both ad they turn around "There's something we have to tell you both." I squeeze the Doctors hand. They look at me expectant. "I'm pregnant."
"Sweetie that's brilliant!" Dads the first to wrap me in a hug. Mum joins in and hugs me tight.
"That's amazing." She smiles against me, and then quickly pulls away to face the Doctor.
"If you leave her again, I swear to God I will kill you!" Mum says.
"Woah," I step in front of her"It wasn't his fault, okay?" The Doctor holds my arm from behind, his eye fixed on Mum.
"Jackie, I promise, I will not leave your daughter." He says. Mum nods. Dad hugs is both.
"Congratulations both of you." He pats the Doctor on the back.
"Thanks, Pete."
"Thanks Dad. I think we're gonna tell everyone tonight, but we wanted to tell you two first." I smile.
"How far gone are you?" Mum asks.
"Only 3 weeks." I place a hand on my stomach. The Doctor squeezes my hand.
"Your supposed to wait 5 weeks before you tell anyone." Mum says, but I wave her off, just as I here music start. I look at my watch: 7pm.
"Mum, do you mind putting Ella in bed? We're gonna go dance."
"Okay." She walks off leaving Dad to sort out the wine.
"We are?" The Doctor says.
"Yes." I drag him out the cooler room and on to the dance floor. Theres loads of people already up and dancing. The Doctor takes a while to kick in with the music, but eventually lets loose. He's amazing, and the party is too. We loose ourselves in the melody, and soon it's time to eat. The music gets turned down, and once everyone's say down and eating, Mum walks up to the microphone. "Everyone, I would like to have your attention for just a few seconds" he voice sounds through the speakers.
"I would like to congratulate my daughter and her wonderful fiancé on their engagement. So please, all raise your glasses." She says. Everyone cheers and raises them. "And also," she adds "on the announcement of Rose's pregnancy." She smiles at me. Everyone turns and congratulates me, and loads of people are cheering. I catch the Doctor smiling at me from the back of the crowd.

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