The Illness

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3 weeks pass and the whole thing with Ella is working out really well. We haven't planned much for the wedding yet, and that's a good job too, because I've come down with a bit if a bug. I decide to go to the Doctors about it, but I haven't told the Doctor about my illness yet. I slipped out of the house whilst he was playing with Ella, leaving a note on the table saying I was out shopping. I arrive at the doctors soon after, and I'm starting to feel quite worried.
"Miss Tyler?" A middle-aged man pokes his head around the door. I swallow and get up. He leads me down a series of corridors and into a small room. I take a seat on a chair by the mans desk.
"That's a beautiful ring." He gestures to my engagement ring.
"Thank you."
"Your Man has good taste." He smiles.
"He does." I say, smoothing my ring on my finger.
"So, miss Tyler I understand you haven't been feeling well?" He asks, moving his chair to face me.
"No." I sigh.
"Well, I'm going to ask you a series of questions, and I need you to answer them truthfully so I can work out exactly what's wrong with you, okay?" He smiles.
"Sure." I smile.
"Have you been sick at all recently?"
"Yes, multiple times for the past few days." I say. He picks up his notebook and starts jotting things down. That sort of thing always makes me nervous.
"And can you remember around what time you were sick each day?"
"Around about 6am every morning."
"Right," he keeps writing "Have you been experiencing any breast pain in the past few days?" His question makes me feel a little uncomfortable.
"A little today, yes."
"Miss Tyler, when was the last time you had sexual intercourse?" He asks, looking up at me from under his rounded glasses. I feel my self blushing.
"Umm.." I pause, remembering the night me and the Doctor shared "Around two weeks ago."
"When you had intercourse, was there any use of protection?"
I think back, trying to remember.
"No." I reply.
"Have you ever had a child?"
"Yes, I have a daughter," I say, and then add "But I did miscarriage about 4 years ago." Sadness fills my voice. He sits his notebook down to the side.
"Im so sorry for your loss." he says. I nod, and try to think of anything but the baby I lost.
"Well, I think I know what might be wrong with you." He smiles.
"Hmm?" I say, my stomach churning.
"I think that you might be pregnant." His words ring through my ears. Pregnant. Again. Oh my god.
"Now, just to make sure, I'm going to ask you to pop around the corner into the bathroom, take this test, and bring me the results."
"How do I do it?" I ask, my hands shaking.
"The old fashioned pee on a stick." He hands me the stick, and I walk off into the bathroom. I'm thrilled at the possibility of another baby, but at the same time absolutely terrified. Hands shaking, I take the test, and take it back to the doctor. I sit back down, and he examines the stick.
"Miss Tyler," he pauses, looking up at me "It's positive, congratulations." He gives me a friendly smile. I smile back, hiding the sick feeling welling up inside of me.
"Thank you." I stand up and start to leave but his voice stops me just before I reach the door.
"If you have any problems, feel free to come back and see me."
I nod and leave the room.

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