Save Them

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The Doctor shields me, his arm in front of my body, I hold on tight to the back of his jacket.
"Daleks" he breathes.
"EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!" One of the Daleks fires at another tree, making it catch on fire. People run frantically everywhere. Well, there aren't exactly people, but lilac-coloured, small little creatures, all in groups of about 4. Blue tears stream down their little faces and they all let out the same high-pitched scream.
"We need to go. There's nothing we can do." The a Doctor grabs my hand, leading my tear-stained self back into the TARDIS. I'm crying, tears streaming down my cheeks. The Doctor runs to the controls, getting us out of whatever we had just seen.
"Doctor, what was that?!" I say through tears. He looks over at me, a sad look on his face.
"That was the war of the four lost planets, against the Daleks."
"But you said that was 800 years ago!" I shout.
"The TARDIS took us to a different point in time. She wanted us to save the Joians. But we can't."
"Why?! We always do save people! We have to help them!"
"Rose! Listen, we can't save them. They've already died! They all died 800 years ago! If I go back, If I was to change the events that have already happened, our day together, on Jomia, never would have happened like it did! There's nothing I can do!"
"But there is!" I shout, tears still falling down my cheeks "Don't you see? If we take them now, in the TARDIS, we could take them all in here, and take them to the future Jomia, just after we left! That way, they could live on the safe planet 800 years in the future!"I say. The TARDIS hums in agreement.
"But thee would be nothing there for them anymore!"
"Well, at least they would have a chance!" I say. Our gazes stay locked together for a second longer, before the Doctor starts hitting buttons on the controls. We arrive back at Jomia, and the Daleks have all gone, but there's a few remaining families.
"This way!" The Doctor shouts "Come with us!"


It took a lot of explaining to the Joians, but they finally thanked us. The oldest one, told us he was going to give us a blessing. "Hold out your hands," he takes me and the Doctors hands, and lays mine of top of his. "May I bless you, with a message from the goddess of love, she will be with you, and watching over you both, until death do you part. Trust each other, until the very end." He let's go of our hands, and nods his head.
"Thank you" I smile at him.
"No, thank you. Both of you. You bought us to safety and gave us a new chance of survival. Thank you, for saving the Joians. We our now, the 1st found planet."
"With pleasure, Flarda Doe." The Doctor bows, and I follow him back to the TARDIS.
"Rose...I just wanted to say, thank you. You saved them. If you weren't here, they would all be dead." The Doctor opens the door to the TARDIS, letting us both in. He stands in front of me, a hand cupping my cheek. I lean up, and kiss him. It's a kiss of gratitude, and saying everything I've kept inside for the past few days.
"I love you." He says.
"I love you too." I wrap my arms around his neck, and he carries me to bed.


Yay! This chapter took a while to write, so I really hope you enjoyed it! Sorry it's a but short, will be updating again really soon :) please don't forget to comment, vote and follow! That will always make my day!
Love all you TenRose shippers!
:)) Ella

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