The Lost Planet

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I wake up to an empty bed; I feel cold without the Doctors body next to mine. My bad dreams didn't come back again, so that was good. I get out of bed. The heatings on...finally. I stuff my feet into my fluffy slippers, then look down at myself to realise I am still in my clothes from yesterday. Eww. I quickly jump in the shower and get changed, before tying my hair in two plaits and leaving to find the Doctor. Soon enough, I find him in the console room, hitting random buttons and switching the scanner screen. There's a surprise.
"Oh, Rose, your up." He smiles at me. I walk up to the console.
"I'm up." I smile.
"So...did the bad dreams come back?" The Doctor looks concerned.
"No. And thank you again, for last night."
"No problem."
"Where we off to then?"
"Torchwood, Jack wanted to show us that experiment he's working on, remember?" The Doctor pulls a leaver and presses some more buttons.
"Okay, sure. Is the TARDIS charged up then?"
"Yep. We're ready to go."


Jack gives us a long tour of the new Torchwood base, and I try not to fall asleep. Yeah, Torchwood is interesting, but I could be doing a million other things right now. I bet some planet out there needs saving. Or maybe the TARDIS would conveniently turn the heating back off...I let my mind wander the entire time as Jack goes on a about generators, and time windows. And then he blabbers on about his genius experiment: "The Dimension Canon" he calls it "You can jump from one parallel to parallel, without ripping wholes in the Universe." He grins. The Doctor seems impressed. After the tour, we say our goodbyes to Jack, and leave the base.
"So, you hungry?" The Doctor asks as we walk out.
"Starving." I reply.
"I know the perfect place."
We end up buying chips from an amazing fish and chip shop, and then the Doctor says he has something to show me. The TARDIS lands on a planet. We'll more specifically, a hill covered in midnight blue grass, over-looking a beach with orange coloured ocean. The sky is a blanket of beautiful deep lilac, and the stars shine brightly above us.
"It's called "Jomia" It's one of the four lost planets. No one comes here anymore." The Doctor hands me a bag of chips and we sit down on the hill.
"It's beautiful" I breathe, taking in the stunning landscape stretched out before us.
"All four planets had an invasion from the Daleks about 800 years ago, the population all died out. This is the only one of the four that remains standing."
"That's so sad." I say, emotion building up inside of me.
"It is. They were lovely little things, the Joians. Each of the four planets had a saying or a motto. The first planet "Jodia" was "To speak kindness", the second planet "Joria" was "To be brave", the third planet "Jocia" was "To have a wise mind", and the forth planet "Jomia", where we are now, was "To love"" he looks across at me and I smile at him. A tear rolls down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away, looking out at the orange ocean.
"Rose..." The Doctor looks across at me from where we're sat on the grass "I've been wanting to tell you for a while...I've just never had the right time to...I think...It's quite hard to say...but, I think we've been hiding our true feelings for each other" he says. My heart skips a beat, or maybe several. It's like the whole world has slowed, I had never expected him to say that, ever. All our feelings which we've kept bottled up for each other for more than 2 years now, have just broke that final wall between our relationship. This will either be a giant leap into possible future of our relationship becoming something more, or a back pedalling race to the starting line.
"Y-you do?" I stutter out.
"Yes." He looks out at the orange Ocean.
"Well, I was thinking the same thing." I say, smiling across at him. He looks at me.
"Really?" He sounds relieved.
"All the time!" I smile. His grin widens. We look at each other for a second more before he leans in, and our lips touch for the first time. Everything goes away. Travelling, aliens, monsters, regrets, planets...everything. My hand tangles in his hair, and his hand rests on my waist, pulling me in further. He deepens the kiss, and I lean into him. We stop to breathe, and for a second all I can see is stars, like the night has closed in around me eyes. But then I'm back, straddling the Doctors waist, chips spilled all over the floor. We both smile.
"Rose...Rose Tyler, I've wanted to say...for so long, I love you."
"Doctor, I love you too." I lean in then, and press my warms lips to his. The night closes in on us both, and we lay together, on planet Jomia. "To love"

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