Time Lady

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Matt and Isabelle were born on March 18th. We'd had no idea it was twins. Tears of joy spill down my face as I hold both of them in my arms. I gave birth in the TARDIS infirmary, I feel safest there. Mum stayed with me all the way, but this time, the Doctor was there to hold my hand. Ella runs into the room, a big smile on her face.
"Daddy! Lift me up! I want to see!" She pounds her little fists against the side of the bed. The Doctor lifts her up, smiling himself. Ella looks at the two babies thoughtfully for a while, before saying "They're very pink." Making us all laugh.
"That's because they were was only born a few minutes ago," the Doctor hands Ella to Jackie, and walks back over to me. He presses his warm lips to mine, before taking Izzy out my arms. I hold Matt.

cough cough*refrence*cough cough

I hold him softly in my arms, gently stroking his hair. It's then when I realise,
"Doctor! He's ginger!"
"What?" The Doctor says "Pass him over,"
We exchange babies.
"Well, that is completely not fair." The Doctor says. I laugh.
"I wonder where he got that from."
"Let's hope a future regeneration." The Doctor sighs.
"You wish." I smile up at him.
"They're both so beautiful, and Ella." The Doctor has a massive grin stretched over his face.
"Ella, would you like to hold your little sister?" I smile at her. She nods willingly. I carefully pass Izzy over to Mum, and she helps position her on Ella's lap, making sure she's held the right way.
"My little sister," She grins "And my little brother."
Me and the Doctor exchange a glance and smile at each other. I notice Mum crying,
"Mum are you okay?" I ask worriedly. The Doctor follows my gaze.
"Oh, I never been better." She smiles. Just then, Dad walks in.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't wait any longer, I just had to come and see." Dad smiles, before spotting Izzy and Matty in me and the Doctors arms.
"Twins?" He says, surprised. I nod, and he smiles.
"That's brilliant! Congratulations!" He leans in and hugs us both.
"Rose," The Doctor pauses, and looks at me with a serious look on his face.
"I just remembered, that if a human happens to have twins with a Timelord, they become....a Timelord, or Timelady. But the other side of the species is affected too. It's not just one way..." He trails off. We all gape at him in shock.
"I'm a, a Timelady?" I stutter, completely shocked.
"Yes. You have now got two hearts, like mine."
"Oh my god," Mum faints, and Dad catches her.
"I'll be back," Dad says, carrying Mum out the room. Ella sits with Izzy on her lap, utterly confused.
"I don't get it." I say.
"When you fell pregnant with twins, they both have two hearts, which means you were carrying two babies, but in all together, four hearts. This always has an affect on Humans..." He puts his head in his hands.
"Doctor, just explain. So I have two hearts, but can I regenerate?"
"No," he answers "And like I said, it's not just one way, I'm affected by it too."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I search his eyes.
"We'll both grow old together now, I can't regenerate any more. This will always be my final chapter, growing old with you. But I'm still a Timelord, just not as I used to be, I'll grow old and never regenerate. And your a Timelady, so you'll still grow old just as normal, but you have an extra heart." He says.
"You'll grow old, at the same time as me?" I say.
"Together." He smiles.
"Doctor...That's....I don't know..." I trail off, shock blocking my speech.
"Fantastic." He smiles, "We can spend the rest of our lives with each other." Tears stream down my face. He gets up and lays Matty down on the infirmary cot, and takes Izzy out of Ella's arms, laying her down beside Matty. Ella sits on the infirmary floor, playing with a book. The Doctor walks back over to me, and cups my face in his hands, and presses his lips to mine. After a while, he breaks the kiss to speak.
"But the thing is, I still hold some regeneration energy left in me, so If we have another baby...it'll be fully Timelord, and it'll be able to regenerate like I used to." He looks down at his feet, before wrapping me in a warm hug.
"Then let's save your species." I smile against him.
"What?" He smiles "You'd do that...for me?"
"Anything for you," I lean in and kiss him.
I know now, that everything will be okay, no matter what happens, I'm nowhere without him.

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