Tell Him

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I walk up the path to the house, and Dad stands outside cleaning his car "You alright?" He smiles at me.
"Fine thanks." I say reassuringly, although I feel like I could throw up there and then. I continue up to the house, and find the Doctor sat in the kitchen with Ella backing a cake in the shape of a Dalek. Great, teaching the kids young. I walk into the kitchen, and take a deep breath.
"Rose," the Doctor turns around and smiles at me, flour staining his apron. "You okay? I got your note." he says. I glance at Mum who sits at the table, reading the newspaper.
"So where's the shopping?" Mum asks.
"I didn't get any, I changed my mind." I say.
"But I needed more shopping!" Mum exclaims.
"Well then go and get some yourself." I snap, I ammediately regret my words "Sorry." I rub my forehead. The Doctor walks over to me, immediately sensing that something's wrong.
"What's wrong?" He asks, a worried expression on his face.
"Can I speak to you outside for a moment?" I ask.
"Of course." He says. I grab his hand and pull him out into the corridor. I shut the kitchen door behind us.
"Rose, tell me, what is it?" He holds my arm.
"I didn't go shopping today." I say.
"I gathered that-"
"I went to the Doctor's." I swallow. The Doctor pales, and his grip tightens.
"About what?" He says worriedly.
"I've been feeling ill recently, and I was worried it was something serious."
"Why didn't you tell me?" He says.
"I was scared." My eyes tear up.
"Was it serious?" He asks worriedly. I shake my head. His grip loosens slightly.
"Then what was it?" He asks, cupping my cheek in his palm.
"I'm.." Taking a deep breath, I meet my eyes to the Doctor's "I'm pregnant."

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