Once Lilac Sky

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Hello everyone!
I really hope your enjoying this...and all the feels XD Thank you everyone who has voted, followed, or commented, it really makes my day! Please don't forget to comment what you think or if you have an idea for the story :D love ya all, TenRose shippers :)
P.s: Sorry for the short chapter.


I wake up still on planet Jomia. I'm led against the Doctor, and the sun is rising above us. The sky is now a lighter lilac, and white clouds float in the sky. Heat from the two suns makes it pleasantly warm. The Doctor lies beneath me, and his two hearts still beat rapidly in his chest. My Doctor. I still can't believe last night really happened. It's all a bit of a blur. I rub my forehead, and the Doctor stirs beneath me.
"Hello." He says.
"Hey." I say.
"You okay?"
"Never been better" I smile against his chest. The ocean claps against the cliffs below us, and I can here singing, "What's that?" I ask curiously.
"The sun birds. They sing as the sun goes up. Birds are the last remaining life forms here now." The Doctor explains.
"Can we stay here forever?" I ask.
"I wish. We can come back here later, if you want, but right now we should probably go." He gets up, and holds out a hand. I take it and he pulls me in for a hug. I hold onto him tight, not wanting to let go of our perfect moment. I pull back and kiss him, making sure he's still real.


Today we saved a planet called Comaro. Their civilisation was in grave danger because of aliens called "Fordinas", which wanted to use the Comaro planet for attack bases. It was tiring, and now we're both really tired. We arrive back in the TARDIS late at night.
"That was a long day." The Doctor says fiddling with TARDIS controls.
"It definitely was." I reply, slumping onto the jump-seat. I rub my eyes.
"Did you want to go back?" The Doctor comes to sit next to me, and our hands intertwine.
"Hmm?" I ask,
"Did you want to go back? To Jomia? Or are you too tired?" He strokes my cheek.
"No, I'm fine. Let's go."
The TARDIS lands at Jomia a few minutes later. We both step out, talking about our adventures earlier when I stop. I scream, before clapping my hand against my mouth in shock. Before us, lies a burning planet. But it's definitely Jomia, just not the one I remember. The yellow tress burn before us, the grass that was once the colour of midnight, is now singed black, and the orange ocean has debree floating by the shore. The Doctor breathes in, shocked. I look over at him, but he's not looking I front of him, he's looking up at the sky. I follow his gaze and nearly fall over. Thousands, maybe millions of Daleks swarm and cover the once lilac sky.

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