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Hello lovely followers! Thank you for reading so far :D I had quite a few comments on my last chapter and a few messages from you guys telling me to continue this, so I'm going to give Tenrose a happy ending! I guess you can tell by the title what happens :) love you all, and don't forget to vote, comment and follow!
Ella :))
Ps: IMPORTANT: this chapter is based at the end of the Adipose Incident :)


I stand against a railing, looking out into nothingness. I've been looking for the doctor for so long, and still no sign of him. Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around. A ginger woman stands in front of me, a big grin on her face. "Listen, there is this woman that's going to come along. A tall blond woman called Sylvia. Tell her that bin there, all right? It'll all make sense. That bin there."
"What?" I pull a confused face.
"Sorry - do I know you?" The woman asks curiously.
"I don't think so, not many people do" I give a small laugh.
"Right," says the woman, not really getting it "I just seem to recognise you from somewhere, I can't put my finger on it."
"I just have one of those faces" I say tiredly.
"What's your name?" She really isn't giving in.
"I don't tell anyone that- not any more."
"Why? Did something happen?" She asks.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I give a small smile.
"Trust me, I will. I'll believe anything me. There's so much out there y'know - and I'm off to see it all." The woman smiles and looks up at the sky.
"Is that right?" I say. I'm tired now, and I know the only way to get this woman away will be to tell her what happened. "Well, if you must know, there was this war - a dreadful, dreadful war - and I lost someone, someone I cared about. I loved him. And now I'm looking for him, but I can't find him anywhere..." I trail off.
"So what's your name?"
"Blimey you really wanna know don't you?"
"Well, I'm a curious person." The woman says with a shrug of her shoulders.
"Rose." I finally answer. At the mention of my name the woman's face turns a pale shade of white.
"Are you okay?" I ask, concerned. She doesn't reply, just stares straight at me. "Look, I better be going-" I say.
"No- you need to come with me, I think I know who your looking for." The woman says.
"I'm really sure you don't-"
"Come on!" She pulls me after her down a series of alleys and round a corner. We're still in the shadows when I spot the TARDIS. And in it, stands the man I've been looking for, the Doctor. I pale and back up slightly, still hiding in darkness. He's here, he's really here.
"Doctor!" The woman calls out and steps in to the light.
"Ready to go?" The Doctor says. She doesn't reply, just stands there smiling.
"What? What is it? What?" The Doctor says.
"I bought someone to see you." The woman says.
"Oh Donna- look, I told you- no friends...." At that moment I step into the other light, I can't wait a second longer. The Doctor sees me and his face turns from annoyance to all of utter surprise, love, confusion, and hope. "R-Rose?" he says, his eyes widening. I nod, and for a moment we both just stand there - locked in each others gazes, too scared to move. But then we run at each other, grins so wide on both their faces. Donna grins at us as we clash together, a tangle of bodies and hugs. We both hold on like we'll never let go.
"Doctor!" I exclaim through ragged breaths into his shoulder. The Doctors hands move to my hair and he presses his forehead against mine, obviously not caring about Donna watching from the side.
"I thought I'd lost you, forever." He says the words with such such defiance that my heart melts. But then his face turns serious. "How did you get here? What about the bridge? This could be dangerous-"
"Shhhh-" I place a thin finger to his lips, "I will explain later." And with that, I lean up and kiss him firmly on the lips. A kiss that means so much, that contains so much longing, and to say the unsaid words on bad wolf bay. We've been separated for so long, left with what seemed like no hope to ever seeing each other again, but now we're in each others arms once more. Everything falls in to place. At first the kisses are slow, and soft,but soon become furious and full of such pain and love at the same time. We stop for a breath, well, for me to take a breath. "I love you," the Doctor says quietly against my lips, and I smile, tongue between teeth, the way that makes the Doctor feel unsteady on his feet.
"I love you too...And Doctor, I wanted to say. The answer is yes. Yes, of course I will marry you." I say. God, I wanted to say that for so long. He smiles.
"I missed you. So, so much."
"Oh Doctor, I missed you too." I whisper. He presses his lips to mine once more, but we are soon interrupted by a small cough from the side. We quickly break apart and stare at Donna, we had both forgotten she was there.
"Maybe later yeah?" Donna says, a crooked smile on her lips.
"Right- yes, sorry." The Doctor looks embarrassed. I take his hand and he replies by squeezing it hard.
"Let's go." The Doctor untangles himself from my grip and starts picking up all Donna's abandoned bags and heads into the TARDIS, hiding the sheepish grin on his face, leaving Donna and me alone once again.
"Thank you," I say to Donna
"For what?"
"Bringing me to him. Saving me." A tear falls down my face.
"Any time," Donna says following me into the TARDIS, "I can tell you really love each other" I smile at Donna, and head on into the TARDIS.
"Oh, and Donna. I never asked, how did you know it was me?"
"The Doctor showed me a picture once, one in his wallet. I recognised your face. And I knew your name because he talks about you a lot, in fact, he never stops!" She grins, and wraps me in a unexpected hug. I hug her back, and remember something. Ella. I haven't told the Doctor. Guilt wells up inside of me. We let each other go and Donna shuts the TARDIS doors. We walk up into the console. Oh, how I have missed this place. I stoke one of the tree-shaped pillars, and the TARDIS hums. Oh god, now I'm turning like the Doctor, I remember fondly how me and Sarah Jane joked about how he stroked the TARDIS.
" you mind if me and the Doctor, have a moment?" I ask.
"Sure," she grins "I'm tired anyway. I'll see you two in the morning." She walks off to her bedroom. Just as she walks out, the Doctor walks into the console room. I sit down on the jump seat, and he comes and sits next to me and intertwine our fingers, just the way he used to.
"Rose...I'm so sorry, for what happened. I tried to get back to you for so long, I can't believe it's been 3 1/2 years! I missed you." He squeezes my hand.
"I missed you too. But it wasn't your fault. Don't ever think that it was your fault," I pause for a second and squeeze his hand "But there's something I haven't told you, something really, really important." I take a deep breath.
"What is it?" He looks over at me.
"When we were on the beach, I told you that there were five of us, mum, dad, me, mickey, and the baby." I hesitate. "Well, that baby, wasn't Mum's. It's ours." I swallow, the Doctor tenses beside me.
"O-ours?" He stutters. I nod.
"I was three months when we last saw each other. I couldn't possibly tell you about the baby. You would have been to upset when we left each other."
"Was it..were you?"
"Yes. It survived" I say, remembering the previous miscarriage all those years ago.
"Was it a boy or a girl?" He squeezes my hand again.
"A girl. I named her Ella. I wasn't sure If you'd like it..."
"I love it. I am so, so sorry that I couldn't be there with you." He pulls me in for a hug.
"It's okay. It's not your fault." I whisper into his shoulder.
"I'm a Dad!" He smiles. I laugh and curl into him, we're happy, and together, once more.

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