Her Secret

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Chapter 7

"Breakfast!" The Doctor calls out to me. Pregnant. I'm pregnant. I can't breathe. I can't speak. I feel sick. What. Am I going to do.
"Rose?" He calls out again, when I don't reply.
"Coming!" I shout. My hands are trembling. I walk to the kitchen and find the Doctor sat at the table, a big cooked breakfast laid out before us. I'm so grateful that he's gone to all this effort, he never usually cooks, but the sight of food makes me want to throw up. I give him a convincing smile,and sit opposite him.
"Don't worry if you're not hungry. Humans never are after being sick." He says understandably.
"Thank you," I find his hand under the table and squeeze it "This is such a lovely breakfast. But I'd rather keep it in my stomach than throw it up, right?" I say, trying to ignore the hurt look on his face.
"Right, yes of course. I'll save it for later." He starts tidying away. I lay a hand in my stomach. I know I should tell him, I just don't know what to say to him.

5 months pass and I manage to conceal my pregnancy through baggy clothes, but getting more and more guilty every day. I've gained a bit of weight, and I can't run as fast when we're out anymore. I slump on the jump-seat watching the Doctor wiz around the console.
"Rose, something's up. I don't like that your not telling me" The Doctor stops, and comes to sit next to me. He intertwined are hands. He's been saying this for the past 2 months on and off, and I'm good to hide it.
"There's nothing to tell," I say, looking away guiltily.
"Yes, there is. You're not you anymore. You've started wearing really baggy clothes, you're getting really out of breath all the time, and I can't help but notice you've gained a bit of weight, too. So don't tell me it's nothing." He says. I can't help it, but a single tear falls down my cheek. I have to tell him....I just..can't.
"Hey, hey," The Doctor says soothingly, he wipes the tear away, then cups my cheek. "You know you can tell me anything."
"Doctor...it's complicated." I say, tears prickling at my eyes. His thumb grazes up and down my cheekbone, sending shivers right through to my core.
"I don't mind complicated," he whispers.
"But it's not like that," I say, trying to keep my voice level "If I told you, you'd hate me forever for not telling you before." More tears fall down and land on my lap.
"I don't mind at all, as long as you tell me now." He squeezes my hand.
"I..." My voice trails off. "I just can't tell you, okay?" I say, and pull away. Feeling guilty and upset, I run off in the direction of my bedroom.
"Rose!" He calls after me. And of course he's faster than me, so he catches up immediately, grabbing my arm and swivelling me around.
"Please, just tell me. I'm not one for keeping massive secrets"
"Yeah, well maybe I am." I say, and wipe my tears away with the back of my hand.
"Please." He whispers, and presses his forehead to mine. I sigh, knowing there's absolutely no way out of this.
"I'm pregnant." I finally say. I close my eyes as more tears escape.
"Terrifying! Go on, kick me out, send me back home, get rid of me-"
"Kick you out? Rose, why in the name of Rassilon would I kick you out?"
"Because you probably don't want a little kid running round and messing up our adventures." I say, properly crying now.
"I can't imagine anything more wonderful than a child with you"
"You...you can't?" I say. He shakes his head.
"And I would never, ever throw you out, you hear me?" He says. I nod shakily though my fastly cascading tears. "C'mere" he says, and wraps his arms tightly around me in a soothing hug.
"Thank you." I whisper finally, and realise hugging isn't as easy as it was.
"I can't understand why you didn't say before?" He says, rubbing his hand up my back.
"I'm terrified, and I was afraid what you'd say." I whisper.
"There's no need to be scared," he says, before quickly pulling out of the hug "Wait. I am the Father, right?"
"Yes," I laugh lightly "You are."
"Good, because I don't know what I would have done if you had staid no!" He laughs too. I smile, but more tears still fall, unable to contain my emotions.
"How far gone are you?"
"About five months" I say. The Doctor lays a steady hand on my stomach. We stand there for a minute or two, his hands against me, both looking down at this burning life just underneath his finger tips. I lift my head to his to see a single tear drop down his cheek.
"Doctor?" I ask, cupping his face with my trembling palm.
"It's nothing..." He wipes the tear away "I'm just...so happy. For us." He says, before I silence his next words and press my lips to his. His other hand moves to my waist for support, but his other still lays on my stomach. He stops to let me breathe, and pulls my jumper over my head, to reveal my large bump under my thin vest top.
"You look beautiful." He brings his watering eyes to mine, before leaning down and laying a kiss on the bump. I'm crying too now. I laugh shakily and kiss him again.
"Hang on," I pull away for a second "Isn't this dangerous? A part time lord part human pregnancy?" I say. He shakes his head.
"Usually it would be, but you've travelled through time enough to let that not effect you" he says. I let out a sigh in relief.
"Okay." I say.
"We can do this arose, together" he says.
But least I know, everything's going to be okay.

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