For Better or For Worse

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1 year later, and I'm standing in front of a long-length mirror in a hotel, my white wedding dress flowing around me.
"You look gorgeous!" My friend Anna claps from behind. I turn around to face all three of my bridesmaids, the youngest being Ella, at only just 5 years old. The twins are staying with Mum, and are both 1 now, and have just started to walk and talk. Karen straightens the clasp in my hair.
"You really do look beautiful." She sighs, smiling at me.
"I love our dresses too!" Anna gives a twirl in her TARDIS blue gown. Karen laughs.
"They are beautiful." She says, picking up the flowers. They're pink and yellow Rose's, the TARDIS supplied them for me.
"So, you ready for the big day?" Anna asks me.
"More than ready." I smile at my reflection, before walking over to Ella, and handing her a basket of Roses, and straightening her dress.
"You look beautiful Mummy." Ella smiles. She looks beautiful, and her hair has become more of a golden colour now she's a bit older. 
"And you look like a princess." I smile back at her. She grins happily and I kiss her forehead before standing up. Suddenly, a knock at the door sounds and Karen rushes to answer it.
"The car for Miss Tyler and her bridesmaids awaits." Says a hotel receptionist. Anna once again claps her hands in excitement.
"Let's go." I smile.

I swallow hard, and smile as Dad links his arm through mine. We decided to hold the wedding in a nearby meadow. I wanted it on Jomia, but we can't exactly fly the guests to an alien planet. So me and Dad stand in the TARDIS waiting for the doors to open, so I can walk down the aisle. The bridesmaids are waiting outside, ready to follow behind me. Everyone was a bit confused why I wanted my grand entrance to be through a box, but they don't understand. 
"You ready?" Dad smiles down at me.
"Ready" I take a deep breath, and the doors open. We step out to the sound of soft music playing, and the Doctor is at the end of the aisle with his back to us. For once, he's in a different suit. Mickey sits on a chair at the front of the aisle with Mum and the twins. I smile as Dad walks me towards the Doctor. Finally I reach him, and we turn to face each other. Dad takes his seat by Mum. 
"Dear friends and family," the Vicar announces "We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of The Doctor and Rose Tyler in marriage. In the years they have been together, their love and understanding of each other has grown and matured, and now they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife." He smiles. And I look up at the Doctor to find happy tears in his eyes. He smiles and lowers my vail, before taking my hands in his.
"May you always need one another, not to fill an emptiness, but to help each other know your fullness. May you want one another, but not out of lack. May you embrace one another, but not encircle one another. May you succeed in all important ways with each other, and not fail in the little graces. May you have happiness, and may you find it in making one another happy. May you have love, and may you find it in loving one another." The vicar says. "So, do you, Sir Doctor, take the Rose Tyler, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do." He beams down at me, squeezing my hands.
"Do you, Miss Tyler, take the Doctor, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do," I squeeze the Doctor's hands back.
"Now we exchange the rings," the vicar says. Keven (Mum's friends son), brings up a blue velvet cushion. The vicar thanks Keven, takes the cushion, and turns back to me and the Doctor. The Doctor takes my gold ring, and slips it onto my finger. Smiling, I take the Doctor's ring, and slide it onto his finger.
"Now, you may kiss the bride." The vicar smiles and steps back. Everyone claps as the Doctor presses his warm lips to mine. This isn't a kiss like before, like our previous rushed encounters, it's a kiss of promise. He wraps his arms around me, and breaks the kiss, pulling me into a tight hug.
"You look beautiful." He whispers into my ear.
"I love you, Doctor." I reply.
"I love you too."


Hi shipmates! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for updating late, I've been really busy lately. And can I just say.....500 views!! Yayyyy! XD Fangirl squeal XDThank you all so much! Please comment what you think so far :D love you all,
Ella :))

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