The Dimension Canon

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Chapter 9

Ella Mae was born on the 6th May, 6 months after I was left stranded on Bad Wolf bay. Mum stayed with me the whole 12-hour birth, I had to tell her about my miscarriage before, and she was really sympathetic. Ella was a miracle, the baby that was never born before. I lean over the side of her bed, looking at her beautiful, sleeping self, in a palace of dreams. The Doctor would love her. Every day, I cry for him. Thinking about the words that we're never said that last day on the beach. It's been three and 1/2 years, a long, lonely time, mourning him. I miss him so badly. I've been trying to get back to him. The thought about Jack's "Dimension Canon" struck about a week after I was left. I've been working on it ever since. I've got a good team of people helping me create it, I just hope it'll work. I twirl one of Ella's blonde strands around my finger, before kissing her head and leaving her to sleep. She's 3 years old now, and is starting to ask about her Daddy. I just have to tell her that he's gone away to save people. I walk off to bed, and close my eyes, in a heap of sadness, remembering all my adventures with the Doctor, our day on Jomia, our first kiss, and every time we were together. Tears spill down my cheeks, soaking my pillow. I roll over and wipe them away. There's no point crying now. Tears don't help.

The next day, I'm back at work, whilst mum looks after Ella. I'm tired, I didn't get much sleep last night either. Suddenly, my phone starts to ring "Miss, it's working. The dimension Canon has started to work"
"Thank you Melissa, I'm on my way." I hang up the phone. My heart skips a beat. It's working! I can get back to the Doctor. I call Mum immediately, spreading the good news. I'm ready to go.

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