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I wake up to someone screaming. I sit bolt upright in bed, it was the Doctor. I turn the bedside light on and look over at him on the other side of the bed, he's sat up, head is in his hands, and he's in a cold sweat.
"Doctor? What's wrong?" I put my arm round him.
"Just a bad dream..that's all." He says between ragged breaths.
"What happened?" I pull him into a hug.
"I had to kill you. You and Ella, I had to kill you both. I don't know why, but I pulled the trigger, and you died, just like that." A tear drops down his cheek and on to my shoulder.
"Hey, it wasn't real. Don't worry about it, that would never happen." I pull my fingers through his hair.
"It just seemed so real, I couldn't stop myself. That's what scared me most." He hugs me tighter. I rub his back before pulling out of the hug, placing both my hands on the side of his head, and kissing him. He responds immediately, our tongues collide and I confidentially deepen the kiss. I'm about to take it further, when a knock sounds at our bedroom door. We spring apart, and the Doctor goes to open it. Donna stands at the doorway. Her face turns bright red, much like me.
"Sorry if I was interrupting something...but I can't seem to find my bedroom. I went to the toilet, came back, and it just wasn't there. The TARDIS must have moved it." She says tiredly.
"I'll help you." The Doctor groans, and leaves the room. I lie in silence, wrapped in a warm bed. We always seem to get interrupted. The only time we don't is when we're actually ALONE. Which is very rarely the case. The door opens again, and thank god it's only the Doctor this time.
"Hey." I say as he comes to sit next to me on the bed.
"I found Donna's bedroom eventually, the TARDIS loves to play games like that." He sighs, and after a pause says "But Rose, you never said, how did you get here?"
"At Torchwood, the parallel universe Torchwood, I was working on a dimension canon, y'know, the one Jack was talking about? It doesn't rip holes in the universe, so don't worry, It's safe. And I managed to get back." I smile over at him. He smiles and pulls me over for a hug.
"I love you so much." He says, laying a kiss on my head.
"I love you too. Tomorrow, we'll go back to the parallel universe, and pick up Ella? If you want to?" I look up at him.
"Of course I do! She's is my daughter!" He smiles at me.
"She'll be so excited" my eyes tear up.
"I'm excited too." He says. We lie down together, and there's a small pause before he says "Now, where were we?"
I laugh and pull myself on top of him, and press my lips to his. I'm very aware of only the small layer of our pyjamas between us, and the fit of our bodies against each other. It's been so long since we've come even close to this, and I can help but feel a bit scared. I know the Doctor senses it, so he stops.
"Rose, what's wrong?" He asks.
"I'm's been so long, I'm worried I'm not...good enough?" I say looking away, a little embarrassed. The Doctor sits up, with me still straddling his lap. His hand comes up to rest on my cheek, his thumb running up and down my cheekbone gently. My gaze draws back to his intent brown eyes.
"You would never, ever, not be good enough. You're perfect, and I love you." He says. I smile lightly.
"I love you too" I say.
"We don't have to do this Rose....If it's not what you want." The Doctor says, and moves his hands to my shoulders.
"No, I want to....just, take it slow." I say.
"Of course." He smiles and presses his lips to mine. I move myself to a better position over him, and our hands explore each others bodies after all this time. It's like we're learning each other again; Remembering every curve and arch, and being re-informed of that odd familiarity of the situation. He leans in closer, and I tangle my hands into his hair, his hands come to rest on my hips, just above my pant lining. He stops for a breath. "Are you sure about this?"
"More than ever." I say, and just at that, his lips draw back to mine. I know now, this will be the best night I've had in so many years apart.

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