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Dearest Children,

I want you to know, that there never comes a day when me and your fathers story must end. I know we're old now, but don't be afraid. Loosing is an art to love, it must happen someday. I just wanted to tell you, look after each other. Me and your father love you all, and we will watch over all of you from heaven. You are the best thing that never happened to us, I need you to know that. I want to say something individually to each of you before I one day, must go.

my first baby. I will treasure the thought of you forever. You've always been a little minx, even now, and I'm not surprised your own children take after you. Martha has your eyes, I can see it clearer than day, and Lucas has your intelligent mind. The first time you set eyes on your father, you ran and hugged him, that deep instinct inside you told you it was him, and you both hugged like you'd never let go. I love you dearly, my first sweet child, I will never, ever be gone forever.

My only Son. You look so much like your Father when he was younger, I can never stop thinking about it. Keep working hard, my beautiful son. Oh, and there's a woman, who works in a little shop down the corner of the road, her name's Olivia, I think you'll like her. It might even encourage you to help out and buy the groceries more often, eh? I love you loads, and yes, your Father is still very jealous of your ginger hair.

My second daughter. You are possibly the sweetest, and kindest person I've ever met. So kind in fact, that when you were younger, Matt used to run around squishing bugs in the garden, you'd start crying and have a funeral for each one individually, we all had to attend. Never forget that I love you, and you will always be in my heart. Oh, and how could I forget, go to the TARDIS bathroom, and on the side of the sink, there's a little test. Take it. In advance, congratulations my baby girl, I know you will make a good mother.

And finally,
My little time-lady. Don't forget, that you are the last of your kind, and you must carry that with you always, for your Fathers sake. But never be afraid to love, that's the mistake me and your Father nearly made, we were too afraid of loosing each other one day, but you mustn't be afraid, Leah. You mustn't be scared. Me and your father are here with you always, especially your Father, as you carry all his blood in your heart. Speaking of your Dad, he wants you to know, that if you link the blue wire to the binary circuit in the TARDIS, it will start working again, I know we disabled it years ago, but every time-lady needs a TARDIS. I left the key in the top right hand drawer of my dresser, is tucked inside a blue TARDIS diary. You can keep the diary too, and read of me and your Fathers travels, it might give you a few ideas. Keep safe, little Leah. My heart will be with you, always.

Now, all of you: Take care of your children, and bring them up well, and tell them the tales, of The Doctor an Rose Tyler in the TARDIS. But please remember, to tell them also of our life after the stars and travelling, because we would be nowhere without you.
With love,
Your dearest Mother, Rose Tyler

Yowzah, I think this book has actually come to an end! Thank you for all the amazing support through this, and a special thank you to all of you who have commented, shared, or voted, it really means a lot! I just wanted to say, I'm sorry I didn't update in like a million years! I was preparing for a big audition for The Little Mermaid, and..I got the part as Flounder! Whoop!!
Anyways, Please feel free to check out my new Tenrose book "The Slow Path" If you enjoyed this, you'll enjoy that too!
Farewell for now shipmates, Ella :))
Oh, and I just wanted to say,
"Rose Tyler, I-"

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