Bad Dreams

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Chapter 2

As we enter the TARDIS, it's colder than I expect. My whole body feels numb to the bone, and my legs feel stiff with cold.
"Go and warm up in the Library. I'll come in once the heating is working." The Doctor wanders off to another room. I find my way through the TARDIS and into the Library, it's no warmer in here, and there are no logs by the fire to keep warm with. I shiver and take a seat on a couch which the TARDIS pulls out for me. I silently thank her and sit down. I then hear noises coming from down the hall. I can't make it out but it's definitely the Doctor shouting. It is then when he walks in, two blankets in his arms.
"There's not enough charge in the TARDIS to turn the heating on, I'm afraid this'll have to do," He throws me a blanket and comes to sit next to me. "You cold?"
"F-f-freezing." I say through chattering teeth. He pulls me into him and wraps a warm arm around me, before adjusting the blankets so we are both snuggled in a mountain of warmth.
"Any better?" He asks.
"Much." I smile, and lean into him for warmth.
"The TARDIS should heat up by the morning." He says. I can't help feeling a tiny bit disappointed, cuddling up on the sofa with the Doctor seems a good idea for every night. "And Rose, what I was trying to say earlier...I just wanted to say, that you looked beautiful. You look beautiful now too." A small smiles plays at the corner of my lips as he babbles, trying to find the right words "I mean, you look beautiful always...I mean-"
"Doctor," I find his hand under our mess of blankets and squeeze it "Thank you."


It's dark, and freezing cold. I'm walking along a road, and I know I'm going somewhere I'm supposed to. As I reach the end, I see a hole. But not just a hole, a big, black, endless pit, which could go on forever. I look behind me to run, but there's a brick wall where I was just waking. I start to panic, and run towards it, but obviously, it stays solid in its place. Suddenly, the wall starts to move, pushing me further and further toward the pit. I scream "Help! Someone help me!" I'm getting closer, so close my toes touch the edge of the pit. I scream, and then I see the Doctor, standing in front of me, blocking my fall. He smiles. And then he's laughing, it doesn't take me long to realise he's laughing at me. Tears stream down my face. And then he pushes me, I scream as I fall into the darkness. All I can hear is his laughing as I fall.

"Rose! Rose! Are you okay?!" The Doctor is shaking my shoulders, hard. I sit up fast, panting and in a cold sweat. "I heard you screaming, so I came in to see if you were okay.."
"I just had..a nightmare..." I wipe my face with the back of my hand. I realise I am no longer in the library, I'm tucked in my bed, in the TARDIS.
"What happened?" He looks concerned, and moves closer to me.
"It was dark, there was a pit, you were there, and I..." I burst into tears and wrap my arms around The Doctor.
"Hey, hey. It's okay, don't worry. It was just a dream!" He says in a calming voice and then hugs me tighter. "What was I doing in the dream?"
"You were...well, you were laughing...and then...then you pushed me." I say through tears.
"Rose," the Doctor pulls me out of the hug and places his hands on my shoulders "You know I would NEVER do that to you, right?" He says nervously.
"Right." I say.
"Come here," he pulls me into him and I wrap my arms around his neck. He holds me tight and I burry my head in his tear stained shoulder.
"'d I get here? We were in the Library...."
"You fell asleep, so I carried you in a few hours ago. I was in the console when I heard you screaming I had no idea what was wrong so I came to see."
"Thank you."
"Anything for you," He lets me out of the hug and gets off the edge of the bed. "Goodnight, Rose." He starts to walk towards the door.
"Wait!" I call out to him and he turns around "Please, will you stay with me?"
"Of course." He says calmly. The dream isn't haunting me that much anymore, it's just the thought of being alone once more, and the risk of having another nightmare. The Doctor lies on the bed beside me, and I curl up against him. His right arm stretches around me, shielding me from the bad dreams.
"Goodnight, Rose" he whispers against my head.
"Night, Doctor." I snuggle against his warm body. As I go to sleep, I listen to the constant beat of the Doctors two hearts, and lay cocooned in his protective arms. I swear I hear him say "Goodnight, my beautiful pink and yellow human." But I'm too tired to make any sense of it, so I let my mind sink into a fold of happy dreams.

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