The Test

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Chapter 6

Hellooooo! I super hope you're all enjoying this story! And ideas for the plot feel free to comment don't forget to follow and vote! Love you all! If you have a TenRose or Doctor Who story, just comment the name and plot line and I'll check it out!
Ella :))


A few weeks have passed since me and a the Doctor saved Jomia. We haven't been back there though. I wake up early. I look at the clock: 5:03am. Ugh. Way to early to get up. I look over to my right to see the Doctor, still fast asleep. I moved in to his bedroom two weeks ago. I roll over and suddenly a wave of nausea passes through me. I quickly get up and run to the bathroom. I've had this for the past four days, I must have eaten something really bad. I start to throw up most of last nights meal into the toilet. Suddenly I feel someone's hand on my back. It's the Doctor. He soothes me as I finish getting rid of most of my stomachs contents.
"Rose," the Doctor says "You should have told me you weren't feeling well." He pulls me in for a hug.
"I'm fine." I say into his shoulder, although I know something's up.
"Don't lie to me."
"I'm not lying" I pull out of the hug "I really am fine."
"We'll, I'm gonna go make breakfast. I'll call you when it's ready." He smiles and walks out. I walk out too, but to only find another door in my face as I turn the corner. Odd, that wasn't there before. The TARDIS must be messing with me. I turn back, but the door is still in front of me. I sigh, and open it. I'm back in the bathroom again, but this time, a small blue box lays on the side of the sink. Curiously, I lift it up. I know what it is without even opening it: A pregnancy test.

I feel sick as I wait for the results. The TARDIS obviously put it there for me, and she knows what she's doing. I don't know what I'll do if I am pregnant. I'd have to tell Mum....God knows what she'd say. And the Doctor....I don't know if I'd be able to tell him. I'd have no idea what to say. Hands shaking, I pick up the test.


Dun dun dun. Sorry for the short chapter....and the cliff hanger..oooohhh.
Ella :))

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