Part Timelord

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The Doctor plumbs in my dimension canon to the TADIS data core, allowing us to use its features and travel to the other world without ripping holes in the universe. We arrive at my house in the parallel world and I rush inside. Mum sits in the living room, Ella on her lap reading a book. I rush in, a big grin on my face. Mum smiles.
"Your back early! What's that big grin for?" She puts down Ella and rushes and hugs me. I wrap my arms tightly around her.
"I found him." I say, tears coming down my face. God, I wish I didn't cry so much. I turn around, revealing the Doctor in the doorway behind me.
"Oh my god!" She clamps a hand to her mouth, and runs up to the Doctor, kissing him on the lips. He pulls away, and me and Donna laugh. It is then when Mum slaps the Doctor.
"Ow! What was that for?" He clamps a hand to his cheek.
"That, was for abandoning my daughter for three years, leaving her distraught!" She slaps him again "And that, was for making her pregnant and not being there with her!" She shouts. The Doctor holds his cheek.
"Mum," I grab hold of her hand "Please, I'm fine. It wasn't his fault." I squeeze past everyone in the doorway, and run to see Ella. I haven't seen her in three months.
"Mummy!" She shouts, and runs over to me. I kneel down in front of her and she wraps her little arms round her neck. I hold her close, closing my eyes against her.
"I missed you." She says.
"I missed you too." I smile, and she holds on to me tighter. We pull out of the hug, and I realise Ella's got tears steaming down her face.
"Never leave me again Mummy." She wipes her eyes. Her words make me want to cry even more.
"I promise." I wipe a falling tear off her cheek, and she does the same to me. I stand up, and lift her up with me, turning to face the Doctor in the doorway. Donna and mum have sat down, but the Doctor seems frozen to the spot, tears falling down his cheeks.
"Ella, this is your Daddy." I point to the Doctor.
"D-daddy?" She looks at me confused.
"Yes," I smile. She takes a moment, before a big smile appears on her face. She struggles in my arms, so I put her back on the floor.
"Daddy!" She exclaims, running towards the Doctor, who has kneeled on the floor with his arms open. He wraps his arms around her, closing his eyes.
"Hello." He smiles, tears slowly falling down his cheeks. He holds her close, and she wraps her arms around him. They let each other go, and the doctor looks shocked.
"What? What is it?" I ask, kneeling down in front of him.
"She's got two hearts." He looks at me in the eye.
"What?" I ask, pulling Ella in towards me, I lay my hands on either side of her chest, and for sure, there are two pulses there. How on Earth had I not noticed that?
"Oh my god." I swallow.
"'What does it mean?" Donna asks.
"She's part time lord, part human." The Doctor says.
"Is it bad?" Mum says, worried.
"Not really, no." The Doctor scratches his head.
"Can she regenerate?" I ask.
"I don't think so.Only a full-Timelord can regenerate, I wouldn't worry about it." He says, before adding "She's so beautiful"
"She has your eyes." I smile, and lean in and kiss him. Ella makes an "eww" sound in disgust and runs to sit with Jackie. I wrap my arms around his neck, and pull out of the kiss, resting my forehead to his.
"We'll thank god you've both admitted your feelings for each other, it was driving me insane!" Mum smiles.
"I wanted to tell everyone," Donna announces "That I'm leaving to go home." She says. Everyone stares at her shocked.
"But Donna!" The Doctor exclaims "You were going to come travelling?" He says, obviously a little hurt.
"Oh come on, you don't need me anymore! You've finally found Rose, I'm out of the picture now. As cute as you both are together, I'd rather be exterminated than be by you two flirting all day. Plus, there's a man back home, that I'd rather like to meet again." She smiles. I get up and hug her.
"Good luck. And thank you, for bring me to him." He hug her tighter.
"Any time."

So Donna's leaving :( I'm sure they'll bump into her again sometime. I hope you are enjoying this story, don't forget to vote, follow and comment! Ly all,
Ella :))

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