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We all decided it would be best that Ella still lives at home with a mum, but that we come and see her every two days, and when she's old enough she can come with us in the TARDIS. She starts school soon after all. Me and the Doctor sit in the library, when he takes my hand "I need to do something, come with me." He leads me out the TARDIS, and into the console room, he presses a few buttons.
"What is it?" I ask "Where are we going?"
"Wait and see." He smiles, and pulls the leaver. We arrive shortly after, and I run out the doors. Before me, stands Jomia. I gasp, and smile. The sun is setting in the lilac sky, and most of the Joians have gone inside there houses. The Doctor comes to stand in front of me, on the hill where we shared our first kiss. I remember it well:
**he leans in, and our lips touch for the first time. Everything goes away. Travelling, aliens, monsters, regrets, planets...everything. My hand tangles in his hair, and his hand rests on my waist, pulling me in further. He deepens the kiss, and I lean into him.** I sigh, remembering the beautiful evening we shared together.
"Rose, I never got to give you this," he pulls out the box that I remember well, and he gets down on one knee and opens it, "This is how I planned to propose to you, before...things happened." The TARDIS blue stone on the silver ring shines brightly under the stars. My eyes start to tear up again.
"Rose Tyler, would you do the honour, of marrying me?" He smiles.
"Doctor, of course I will." I smile back. He places the ring on my finger and stands up. I hug him tightly, almost knocking him over.
"Read it." He says to me.
"The ring, read it." He says again. I take the ring off and inspect it closely, and around the edge, is an engraved message, it says "Nowhere without you." I look up at him, tears of joy spilling down my cheeks.
"And inside," he points to the centre of the stone, "In Gallifreyan, it says "together"" I smile and out the ring back on my finger. He pulls me into him and I press my lips firmly to his. He holds me tightly, and I tangle my hands in his hair. We stop to breathe.
"Nowhere without you." I quote, and we stand there together, pressed lips under the stars of Jomia.


Sorry this is a bit of a short chapter, I just wanted to get the whole proposal thing out the way. I hope your enjoying this!
Ella :))

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