Chapter 10: Wolf

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We drive up a long hill in the middle of the forest at god knows what time as we finally pull up in front of Derek's creepy old, burnt down house. This place gives me the creeps just looking at it. I don't know how Derek even lives here. Who knows maybe its nicer inside, like he renovated the inside and left the outside looking like crap so no one goes inside and steals anything or maybe he lives in like the basement and like its furnished like a bat cave. Derek looks like the kinda guy to have a bat cave, or wolf cave. Do wolves live in caves or would it be a wolf den... My inner babble is disturbed by Stiles opening my door and pulling me outside. Scott walks along the back and opens the truck, pulling out two shovels. I click the flashlight on as we walk up to Derek's house.

"Wait, something's different." Scott states, stopping in his tracks as he sniffs the air.

"Different how?" I ask as Scott stops by the side of the house and drops his bags. A faint smell of blood lingers in the air and my face pales. Oh my God. The-the body... It-it's right here. I think to myself.

"I don't know..." Scott explains, breaking my train of though. "Let's just get this over with." He says as he begins digging in the ground where the smell of blood is most strong. I hold the flashlight up so they can see where they're digging. They managed to dig a decent sized hole, about two feet deep.

"Guys, this is taking way too long." I speak up as I look around the property. Derek could show up any minute and kill us.

"Just keep going." Stiles pants.

"What if he comes back?" Scott questions franticly.

"Well we get the hell out of here." Stiles sasses.

"What if he catches us?" Scott questions again.

"I have a plan for that." Stiles explains.

"Which is?" I question, eyebrow raised.

"Scott runs one way. Me and you run the other. Whoever he catches first, too bad."

"I hate that plan." Scott sighs. Stiles places his shovel in the ground again, this time hitting something.

"Oh, stop, stop, stop." He says tapping the ground beneath them. They toss their shovels to the side and begin digging by hand. A burlap sack comes into view as they begin fidgeting with the knots.

"Hurry." Scott panics.

"I'm trying." Stiles sasses. I roll my eyes and place the flashlight on the ground as I hop in the hole with them. "Did he have to tie the thing in, like, nine hundred knots?"

"I'll do it." I sigh moving them aside and easily undoing the knots. I smirk up at them as they roll their eyes.

"We loosened them for you." Stiles huffs.

"Whatever." I laugh as I open up the sack. A dead, decaying wolf lies inside. We scream at the top of our lungs as we hop out of the hole.

"What the hell is that!?" Stiles questions looking down at the dead animal.

"It's a wolf." I answer.

"Yeah, I can see that!" Stiles sassed. "I thought you said you smelled blood, as in human blood." He questions Scott.

"I told you something was different." Scott chokes out.

"This doesn't make sense..," I whisper staring intensely at the dead wolf; an uneasy, familiar chill runs down my spine as I feel its solid black eyes burning holes into my brown ones. I quickly look away as we pick ourselves up off the ground.

"We gotta get out of here." Stiles announces, brushing dirt off himself.

"Yeah." Scott and I agree.

"Okay, help me cover this up." The two of them hop back in the hole and begin tying the sack around the dead animal. A strange flower catches my eye, Wolfsbane.

"What's wrong?" Stiles questions looking up at me.

"You see that flower?" I say pointing towards it.

"What about it?" Scott questions.

"I think its wolfsbane." Stiles and I answer at the same time.

"Well what's that?"

"Uh. Haven't you ever seen The Wolf Man?" Stiles questions and Scott shakes his head.

"Oh My God." I face palm myself due to my twin's lack of knowledge on anything and everything.

"Lon Chaney Jr.? Claude Rains?" Stiles begins to list. "The original, classic werewolf movie?"

"No! What?"

"You are so unprepared for this." I mutter to myself, forgetting Scott's a werewolf as glares at me. Damn it, super human hearing. Stiles gets up and pulls the flower out of the ground, there's rope tied to it. I get up and walk over to him, pulling the rope out of the ground and bundling it up in his hands. It circles around the hole, in some sort of spiral.

"Spencer." Scott calls, looking down into the hole. I look up and into it, the wolf... It's not a wolf anymore it's a human, it's the dead body from before. Looking up at us with her dead, lifeless eyes once again. What the hell is going on?!

"Okay horary we found the dead body again." I fake cheer. "Now can we please go home before Derek comes back and kills us?!" I question.

"Ye-yeah." Scott answers snapping out of his daze. "Stiles help me tie the bag up and bury it again."

"Okay." He says as they both hop into the hole and begin working.

"Spencer..." I faintly hear my name being called.

"What?" I ask.

"What?" Scott and Stiles say in unison.

"Spencer..." The same voice says from before. I look around for the source, but see no one. "Spencer he is coming... be ready... no one is safe..." The voice warns. I'm practically shitting my pants as I look into the hole and see the woman's eyes flash a bright, vibrant bloody red, before they fade into her dead, human eyes. WHAT THE FUCK?! I shuffle backwards, trying to get away from her.

"I'm-I'm gonna wait in-in the car." I stutter out, fear running through me. I rub my hands up and down my arms. Another chill spreading through me and I don't thinks it's because of the cold. I walk back to Stiles' jeep and climb in the backseat. That was beyond creepy. What-what did she mean he is coming? He who? He, the Alpha? He, as in Derek? Why didn't Scott or Stiles hear the voice or see the eyes? I'm so confused... I think to myself as I snuggle deeper into the backseat. I swear there's a butt grove here because of how many times I've sat here. I laugh to myself, trying to keep my mind off the dead wolf's warning. Stiles and Scott quickly walk back and toss the supplies in the trunk before they climb in the front and Stiles speeds off the property.

"Okay so tomorrow I'll tell my dad that the body is buried in Derek's property, he'll get arrested, and the two of you get to play." Stiles lists.

"Okay." I mumble. Stiles pulls up to our house and I quickly hop out, mumbling a 'Bye Stiles' and make my way to my room. Changing into a pair of sweats and a lacrosse hoodie before I drift off into sleep. Hopefully tonight I won't have nightmares of the dead body watching me again...

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