Chapter 6: Research

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After lacrosse practice, I decided to spend the rest of the day with Stiles since Scott is going to be with Allison, and Lydia is going to be with a VERY pissed off Jackson. So why not spent the rest of your day with a boy you're madly in love with but can't do anything about it? The ride to Stiles' house was a somewhat awkward silence, normally you couldn't get this kid to shut up but now he won't even talk? I think to myself as I stare out the window until he finally brakes the silence.

             "Congrats on making first line." He says not so congratulatory.

             "Thanks." I smile. "And don't worry Stiles, you'll make first line soon." I say resting my hand on his thigh lightly. 

             "I hope so..." He says under his breath.

             "I know so." I smile as he parks the jeep in the driveway. We get out and immediately head to his room. I throw my bag down on the floor and grab his lacrosse hoodie from his dresser as I begin to change out of my outfit I wore to school, leaving me in my girl boxers and his hoodie with a faint smell of his cologne lingering on it. I take a quick smell and smile. Stiles doesn't seem to mind considering he's typing away on his laptop, different tabs open everywhere and pages upon pages flying out of his printer on God knows what.

             "I'm gonna take a nap." I yawn. "Wake me up when you're finished with... whatever." I say gesturing to his desk as I climb on his bed and get under his cover.

             "Mm." He hums not looking away from his screen. I roll my eyes as I finally get comfortable in his bed and drift quickly to sleep. I guess waking up in a cave and running for your life really does a toll on you huh?

Stiles' P.O.V

Right when Spencer and I got to my house, I practically ran up to my laptop to start doing research on werewolves. Histories, myths, legends, family's, stories, cases, anything I could get my hands on. As crazy as that sounds I think it might be happening to my two best friends. I heard shuffling coming from behind me, I glance at the reflection on my laptop screen to find Spencer pulling her shirt over her head. Spencer is stripping in my bedroom! I don't even know how many times I've dreamed this day! And now she's wearing my lacrosse hoodie! This is by far the happiest moment of my life. Damn she looks hot as hell in my clothes. As I watch her I notice when she put my hoodie on she smelled it and smiled, this girl is going to be the absolute death of me I swear.

             "I'm gonna take a nap." She yawns as I look back at my laptop screen. "Wake me up when you're finished with... whatever."

             "Mm." I simply hum, trying to control my racing heart. I hear the sound of blankets shifting and when I turn around she's already fast asleep in my bed. Hopefully next time you sleep in my bed, it'll be in my arms... I think to myself as I turn back around and continue my research.

After about an hour and a half of going through thousands of website and a dozen books, a pounding on the door gives me a mini heart attack as I shuffle the papers around and close my laptop. I get up from my chair and look over at Spencer still peacefully sleeping with her mouth slightly open as soft snores escape. Damn she is one heavy sleeper. I laugh to myself as I reach my room door. I open it to see a smiling Scott and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

             "Get in, you gotta see this!" I rush as he walks in and I close the door. "I've been up all night reading websites, books, all this stuff." I say quickly.

             "How much Adderall have you had today?"

             "A lot!" I explain, waving my hand around as he laughs lightly. "Doesn't matter, just listen!"

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