Chapter 23: Forgivness

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Stiles picks me up a little earlier in the morning, not trying to run into Scott, who he is still extremely pissed at. I hop into the passenger side of his jeep and give him a light kiss, butterflies having a boxing match in my stomach as I do the simple gesture.

"Hey babe." He smiles and my cheeks burn as I clip in my seatbelt.

"Hey." I smile as he pulls out of the drive way. The radio is turned to a decent volume as One Direction comes on. Stiles reaches to change the station and I slap his hand away before I turn the volume up.

"Seriously?" Stiles groans as I begin singing along to One Thing. He rolls his eyes, the smallest smile on his face as he pulls into his parking spot in front of the school. We hop out of the jeep and walk towards the school entrance.

Stiles' arm snakes around my waist and a blush creeps onto my face. We walk towards our lockers, pull out our world history books and head to class. We're the first couple of people here, so we take our usual seats near the back. Stiles across from me and Scott's empty seat behind him.

Students begin to file in as the bell rings and Scott stands at the entrance, staring at us. Stiles glares at him as I roll my eyes and avert my attention back to my boyfriend. Stiles' jaw clenches as Scott sits behind him. He looks over at me with a deviously smirk plaster on his face just as he reaches over and cups my cheeks in his hands and his smashes his lips onto mine. I quickly kiss him back before we pull apart, my face burning red from embarrassment.

"So you two are finally dating now?" Scott questions, confusing clear in his voice. I ignore him and face the front of the class as the teacher walks in. "When were you gonna tell me?" Stiles looks over at me and playfully rolls his eyes, mocking Scott. I laugh quietly as the teacher begins his lesson on The Gettysburg Address. Scott lets out a huff and leans back in his chair. "Still not talking to me? You know I feel really bad about it, right? I didn't mean for Spencer getting hurt or risking your dad getting hurt... I'm sorry I chose Allison over him, I wasn't thinking... What if I told you that I'm trying to figure this whole thing out, and... That we went to Derek for help?" Scott questions. I look over and Stiles find him glaring at me. I shrug my shoulder and mouth a 'sorry' at him as he lets out a small huff. I completely forgot to tell him that Derek has been trying to 'train' us all weekend.

"If I was talking to you, I'd say that you're both idiots for trusting him." Stiles answers. "But obviously I'm not talking to you." He sasses. I look over and watch Stiles as he fidgets in his seat. Any minute now his gonna crack. Come on Stiles we both know you want to know what's going on. Stiles looks over at me with pledging eyes, letting out I quiet laugh, nodding my head before he spins around in his chair, facing Scott.

"What did he say?"

Scott smiles a little, knowing his best fiend isn't mad at him anymore. For the entire period Scott explained that over the entire weekend Derek has been trying to kill us, sorry I mean train us before the Alpha calls on us again during the full moon. The bell rings, indicating the end of class. We quickly pack up our books before Stiles drags Scott and I out into the hallway.

"Wh-he wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry?" Stiles questions, reaching down and intertwining his hand with mine.

"Yeah." Scott and I answer.

"All right, well, correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you do that, you try to kill someone, and that someone's usually me and/or Spencer."

"I know. That's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it. Like you." Scott explains, pointing at me.

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