Chapter 2: New Everything

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I woke up the next morning with a killer headache and my alarm buzzing in my ear. Please tell me last night was just a dream! Please tell me last night was just a dream! I mentally repeat over and over as I lift up my blanket and tank top to find a large bloody bandage covering my side.

"Nooo!" I cry dramatically as I flop back on bed. Scott comes rushing in my room to see me sprawled out across my bed with the blankets all over the place.

"What?! What's wrong?!" He asks franticly.

"Our friendship with Stiles!" I sass as I point to my wound. He laughs and throws a pillow at me as he walks out.

"I'm beginning to question that as well!" He yells from across the hall. I laugh along with him as I hop out of bed and head to my washroom to take a quick shower and get ready for school. After my shower, I replace the bandage and blow dry my hair as it falls into lose curls along my back and begin to do my makeup. Some light concealer to cover up the bags upon bags under my eyes since we got home super later from our forest disaster, a little mascara and small eyeliner wings and walk back in my room as I put on my navy blue dress and cardigan. I pull out my boots and slip them on, quickly look at myself in my full body mirror hanging off my door.

"Scott!" I call. "You ready?" I ask as I pick up my book bag and gym bag and head down to the front door, grabbing a banana from the kitchen.

"Coming!" He calls from upstairs. He's wearing his usual jeans with a t-shirt and hoodie. I shake my head at his poor fashion scene as we walk outside and get out his bike. I throw my bags over my shoulders as I hop on Scott's back pegs.

"Onwards my trusted steed!" I yell as I point off in the direction of school. Scott laughs at my stupidness and petals out of the driveway. About fifteen minutes later we arrive in school parking lot and I hop off the back as Scott rolls the bike into the rack. Just as I begin to fix my hair from the ride, Jackson's Porsche pulls up right beside Scott. He opens his door and hits Scott with it. I let out a quite laugh, Jackson never liked Scott, like ever. Jackson climbs out of his car and leans against it.

"Dude, watch the paint job." Jackson warns Scott who rolls his eyes. "Hey Spencer!" Jackson says smiling at me.

"Hey Jackson." I smile, walking over to him and giving him a small hug.

"Ready for practice today?" He asks.

"I was born ready," I joke. "And who knows maybe there won't be a need for co-captains this season." I tease, wiggling my eyebrows at him.

"Someone's a little cockier than last season." Jackson laughs.

"What can I say?" I smile, dramatically flipping my hair. "You're rubbing off on me." I joke, causing both of us to laugh.

"Yo Jackson!" Someone calls, "let's go bro."

"All right I'll see you at practice!" Jackson calls as he walks over to them.

"Bye." I wave.

"Tell me again why you hang out with him?" Scott questions as he locks his bike up and we begin to walk towards the front doors to wait for Stiles.

"Well maybe because he's my best friend's boyfriend, and he's not That bad." I defend.

"Still he such a..."

"Dick." I finish for him.

"Yeah." He laughs. "Oh, I see Stiles." Scott says as he waves Stiles over.

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