Chapter 16: Group Date

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The next night Lydia picked me up in the evening and drove down to Allison's house. Her mom opened the door, and can I say that she scares the absolute shit out of me.

"Allison's in her room." She smiled 'sweetly' at us as we thanked her and walked up to Allison's room.

"Allison we're here." I say pushing her room door open and walking inside.

"Hey." She smiles and gives us each a hug. "Okay, so I have no clue at all on what to wear." She panics. "Like you two look perfect, as always." I look down at my dark washed skinny jeans, white crop top with faded red plaid shirt on top and shrug.

"I have no one to impress." I say and flop down on her bed.

"Except Stiles." Lydia mutters and Allison giggles. I groan and roll my eyes.

"I still can't believe you invited him." I sigh.

"Oh don't act like you aren't excited." Allison laughs as she walks to her closet.

"Oh please, I've done more in one day than you done in years." Lydia sasses causing me to laugh.

"Okay, maybe a little." I laugh as Allison digs through her closet, pulling out random articles of clothes and holds it out for us.

"Mmm, pass." Lydia frowns.

"Pass." I agree. She holds out a horrendous flora long sleeve thing and I gag.

"Pass!" We say in unison.

"Let me see." Lydia says as she stands up and goes through her closet. "Pass. Pass. Uh, pass on all of it. Allison, respect for your taste is, uh, dwindling by the second." She laughs and I playfully roll my eyes. I stand up and decide the help Lydia. I pull out a black sequence shirt. It's cute.

"This." I say and Lydia nods in approval. Allison holds it against herself at looks at her reflection. Her door opens and her dad walks in. I freeze in place and Lydia looks at him seductively. Jesus Christ Lydia.

"Dad, hello?" Allison smiles at her father's uninvited entry. He looks at the three of us before he realizes.

"Right. I'm sorry. I completely forgot to knock." He apologies, putting his coat on.

"Hi, Mr. Argent." Lydia says sweetly as she flops on Allison's bed with a hand on her hip, twirling a piece of hair in between her fingers.

"Dad, do you need something?" Allison asks confused.

"I wanted to tell you that you'll be staying in tonight." He announces.

"What? I'm going out with my friends tonight." She says gesturing to us.

"Not when some animal's out there is attacking people." Animal my ass.

"Dad, dad, I'm-" She begins to argue but is cut off.

"It's out of my hands. There's a curfew. No one's allowed out past nine thirty." She balls up her shirt and tosses it on her bed. "Hey, no more arguing. I advise you two to do the same." He smiles and walks out.

"Someone's daddy's little girl." I smirk.

"Sometimes... But not tonight." Allison says grabbing her hat and putting it on before she walks over to her window and opens it. Lydia looks at me and I shrug as Allison climbs onto her roof.

"What are you doing?" Lydia questions as we walk over to her window just before Allison summersaults down into her bushes.

"Eight years gymnastics. Are you coming?" She whispers from below.

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