Chapter 1: Predator

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Spencer's P.O.V

I plop down on my bed, shopping bags scattered around my room. Lydia takes shopaholic to a completely different level. As always she drags me shopping the day before classes because "it's a new year" and "everything in my closet it so 2007". I, on the other hand love my band tees and baggy sweaters. I let out a long sigh as I push myself off my bed and begin digging through the various bags, taking out my outfit for tomorrow that Lydia picked out. A navy blue dress with a black cardigan and ankle boot heels.

I begin putting the rest of my clothes away, the slight hum from my cd player as Panic! At the disco plays in the background. After all my clothes are successfully away in my closet or dresser I change into Scott's old lax hoodie from last season and a pair of yoga pants before I plop back down on my bed, reaching over and grabbing my copy of Mocking Jay from my side table, skimming through the pages until I find my book mark.

I flip to the last page of the book where Katniss finally tells Peeta she loves him. I tear up a little in awe as I stand up and place it back on my book shelf along with my many other books. A soft knock comes from my door, it's probably Scotty, mom's working the late shift again.

"Come in!" I call, walking over to my bed and sitting on it, crisscross apple sauce style. The door opens and Scott steps in, lacrosse stick in hand.

"Hey Spen, do you have an extra stick?" Scott asks a little embarrassed as he looks at his feet.

"What happened to yours?" I question, pointing to the one in hand. He flips in around to reveal a huge hole through the netting of his stick.

"Let me guess..." I hum, tapping my chin mockingly as if I'm thinking.

"Stiles." We both sigh simultaneously.

"Yeah I have an extra one." I laugh standing up and walking over to my closet as he plops down on my bed. Scott and I both play lacrosse at our high school, well more like I play and he and Stiles watch from the benches green with envy. Scott and I have been playing lacrosse ever since we were kids, it stated out with co-ed teams and ended up with me making the boys' varsity team last year. Everyone was a little shocked that coach actually let me play, 'cause you know, I'm a girl and all, but I'm still better than 99% of the team. His words, not mine. I pull out my extra stick and poke Scott with it.

"You're a life saver sis." Scott sighs happily from my bed as I sit down beside him.

"Ready for practice tomorrow?" I ask, sparking up conversation.

"I think so, we've been practicing all summer. I have to make first line for sure this year!" He exclaims.

"I'm sure you will, I mean you Have been practicing with Me all summer." I laugh.

"Don't get too cocky." He laughs as he sits up and faces me.

"Oh whatever." I laugh, shoving him lightly. "Oh yeah! Can I use your pull up bar for a few minutes, Lydia's been on my ass all day and I missed my workout?" I ask.

"Knock yourself out." He laughs as we stand up and walk out of my room to his, directly across from mine. I start doing a few reps and notice Scott pacing around his room throwing random things in his school bag.

"You're really unorganized, you know that?" I comment, hoping down from the bar and start doing push ups.

"Yeah yeah yeah, you and mom te-." His sentence is cut short when a loud bang comes from outside. I quickly stand up as we both stare at each other for a quick second before we look towards the hallway.

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