Chapter 8: A Gift

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I've never felt more alive than this very moment. A strange feeling flowing through me. I feel so connected with the earth as my ears pick up every sound in the forest. From the trees shaking in the wind, all the way to the mice running across the first floor. Scott and I make it to the preserves without even a bead of sweat on us. An unfamiliar car is parked outside the gates, Scott glances over at me, and I nod before he jumps onto the car and looks inside.

"Nothing." He growls before jumping off and swiftly lading on the ground. We sprint through the woods, looking for any sign of Allison or Derek. We run along on blind instance and there's two things running through my mind. 1. Stiles was right when he said Scott and I are werewolves, and 2. Where the hell is Derek Hale? As we run, Scott and I notice a leather jacket hanging off a tree branch, the closer we get the more familiar it looks, its Allison's jacket! The one she was wearing tonight at the party! I sneak a peek at Scott and he is fuming. From behind us I hear leaves being crunched as my head whips around. I look around but I see no one.

"Where is she?" Scott speaks up. More leaves are being stepped on as someone speaks up.

"She's safe." A somewhat familiar voice says. "From you two." My head is turning in different directions and I finally see a figure pop out just as he attacks me and Scott. He grabs a hold of Scott and I and the three of us tumble down a hill until he picks us up and holds us against a tree, finally giving us a chance to look him in the face, Derek Fuckin' Hale himself.

"What did you do with her?!" Scott roars.

"Shh quiet." Derek hisses as he looks around and takes a deep breath. "Too late. They're already here, run!" Is all Derek says before he takes off into the night, leaving Scott and I sitting there confused out of our minds. We get up and begin to run after Derek until something flies past us through the air and hits a tree, creating a spark of light that practically blinds both of us. Another comes flying towards us and pins Scott and I to trees and we let out a painful cry. I look down to see an arrow through my leg and Scott has one through his arm. We try to pull out our arrows but it's too late, whoever shot the arrows is already here. Three men with crossbows walk out from behind trees and into the moon light. Scott and I stand there in pain as the three men stare at us.

"Take them." The one who looks like the leader says and both our breathing increases. We look back at each other and Scott is no longer in werewolf form. I run my tongue along my teeth and my fangs are gone. What the hell is going on?! I think to myself as I try to pull the arrow out of my leg. I look up at the sound of yelping as one of the men goes flying through the air and collides with a tree, hard. Knocking him out cold. The main guy turns back to see his last man fly across the clearing as he pulls out his pistol. As he's distracted, Derek runs up to us and snaps the arrows allowing us to escape. The two guys have no trouble running as I lag behind due to the arrow that was recently in my leg.

"Come on!" Scott whispers.

"I'm coming!" I growl at him as I attempt to catch up. We finally get far enough giving Scott and I the perfect opportunity to collapse on the ground, trying desperately to fill our lungs with needed oxygen. We turn to face Derek who is scanning the area around us, making sure the three men didn't follow us.

"Who are they?!" Scott asks frantically.

"Hunters." Derek answers facing us. "They've hunted us for centuries."

"What?!" Scott and I both ask confused.

"You mean you!" Scott yells as he finally gets to his feet. "You did this to us!"

"Is it really so bad Scott?" Derek questions, stepping closer to us. "That you can see better, hear more clearly, mover faster than any human can ever hope? You've been given something that most people would kill for... The bite is a gift."

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