Chapter 21: Confrence

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"God." We both groan, turning towards his door where his Dad stands there, doing the buttons on his sleeves.

"Please tell me I'm gonna hear good news at this parent/teacher thing tonight?" He questions.

"Depends on how you define 'good news'." Stiles replies sarcastically.

"I define it as you getting straight A's with no behavioral issues."

"You might wanna rethink that definition." Stiles answers and I laugh.

"Enough said." He dad rolls his eyes and walks out. "And I though you two said you weren't dating?" He calls from down the hall.

"Might wanna rethink that to." I laugh. Stiles picks up his phone and watches the video again before he drops it on his bed and sighs.

"Come on, Scott. Where the hell are you?"

"You deleted the video off Lydia's phone right?" I ask looking down at his.

"Yeah, I sent it to mine then deleted it off her's." He answers.

"Okay, good..." I sigh, laying down on his bed and staring at the celling. "Stiles... what time is it?"

"Uhh it's five after five, why?"

"Shit!" I curse siting up. "I'm later for work. Can you drive me?" I question.

"Of course of course let's go." He says grabbing his phone and rushing outside with me. The engine roars to life as we speed down the road to the clinic. He parks in the front and I run inside, the door chime going off as I quickly run in the back and see Dr. Deaton on the phone.

"Hey, Scott, it's me again. I'm just calling to make sure that everything's okay. You were supposed to be here an hour ago. Maybe you forgot. Well, whatever it is, just give me a call and let me know that everything's okay. All right. Thanks." He says before he hangs up as Stiles and I walk into the room.

"Hey Doc sorry I'm late, I was out looking for Scott and completely forgot I had work today." I apologize.

"It's okay, I glad you're here. Barker has been acting up again and won't let me give him his meds, and since he only has a liking to you I though you could do it?" He asks.

"Sure." I smile. "Stiles you don't have to stay here with me if you don't want to." I tell him as we walk towards the animal cages.

"I want to." He smiles down at me, dimples popping out. I smile as I stand up on my toes and kiss him lightly.

"I love you." I laugh. I can't believe I can actually say that aloud now!

"I know." He smiles proudly as I grab the bottle of medication and walk over to the dog cages.

"Did you just Star Wars me?" I laugh.

"Yes yes I did!" He laughs.

"Hi Barker!" I smile at the dog happily yapping at me. "Hi buddy, okay you're gonna need to take these little pills for me okay." I say opening the bottle and shaking two out, he starts growling as he backs away from me, the pills having a distinct smell to them. "I know you hate taking them, but how about I..." I pause, looking around the room for something. A yellow bag of treats catch my eye, I grab it and take a few out. Stuffing the pills inside two and he immediately starts yapping happily. "Yeah I knew you'd like that." I laugh as he licks them off my hands and I pet him.

"You're actually the cutest thing ever." Stiles laughs causing me to blush.

"Shut up."

"Nope. I have years of complements saved up and now I get to use them without sounding creepy." He laughs and I join him.

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