Chapter 12: Wolfsbane

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Stiles' P.O.V

Spencer laughs again and it's like music to my ears. I look down at our intertwined fingers and smile wider. We reach my jeep and Scott is rolling his eyes at us.

             "What the hell we're you two talking to Derek about?" He questions as we climb into my jeep and I start the engine.

             "Just asking him if he killed the girl because she could turn into a full wolf." Spencer shrugs nonchalantly as we drive down the hill.

             "Scott search up wolfsbane used for burials." I tell him, pointing to my laptop on the floor. He picks it up and starts typing away.

             "So what are we gonna do now?" Spencer asks, leaning forwards and resting her chin on my shoulder. Her hot breath hits my neck and I try concentrating on the road before I swerve into the lake.

             "I don't know." I shrug.

             "I can't find anything about wolfsbane being used for burial." Scott speaks up, still looking at the laptop.

             "Just keep looking." I tell him.

             "Maybe it's like a ritual or something, like maybe they bury you as a wolf." Spencer suggests.

             "Or maybe it's like a special skill, you know? Like something you have to learn." I add.

             "I'll put it on my to-do list, right underneath figuring out how the hell I'm playing this game tonight." Scott sasses.

             "Maybe it's different for girl werewolves." Spencer continues.

             "Okay! Stop it!" Scott shouts.

             "Stop what?" Spencer and I question.

             "Stop saying 'werewolves'! Stop enjoying this so much!"

             "Are you okay?" Spencer asks placing a hand on his shoulder.

             "No! No, I'm not." Scott raises his vice, roughly shrugging off her hand. "I'm so far from being okay."

             "You know, you're gonna have to accept this, Scott, sooner or later." I tell him and Spencer nods.

             "I can't." He shakes his head.

             "Well, you're gonna have to!" Spencer snaps.

             "No! I can't breathe." Scott gasps, hands hitting the roof of my jeep.

             "Aahh!" Spencer screams and clutches the seat.

             "Pull over!" Scott yells as Spencer holds her neck, gasping for air.

             "Why? What's happening?" I question franticly. Scott looks around and pulls out my bag, opening the zipper and pulling out the wolfsbane.

             "You kept it?!" They both shout at me.

             "What was I supposed to do with it!?"

             "Stop the car!" Spencer growls, eyes flashing golden in my rear view mirror.

             "Okay Okay." I say slamming my breaks. I quickly climb out, grabbing my bag and toss it deep into the forest. "We're good, you can-" I stop mid-sentence when I turn around to find the passenger side door is hung open and my two best friends are nowhere to be seen. "Scott? Spencer?" I call. "Shit."

I walk back into the forest and grab my bag and toss it in the backseat. I pull out my phone and call dispatch; Rebecca answers the phone and immediately knows it's me.

             "Stiles, you know you can't call the dispatch line while I'm on duty." She huffs. Of course she knows it's me. Scott, Spencer and I used to prank call them every weekend as kids.

             "I just need to know if you gotten any odd calls." I inform her.

             "Odd how?" She questions.

             "Uh, like an odd person or... A dog-like individuals roaming the streets." I explain.

             "I'm hanging up on you now." She sighs.

             "No! Wai-wai-wai-wai-wait!" I shout before the line goes dead. Damnit! Where the hell could they be?! I quickly drive home and drop off my bag before Scott and Spencer freak on me again for keeping it. I grab my lax bag and toss it in my trunk before I drive down to their house. I cut the engine and race into the house.

             "Scott! Spencer!" I call walking around the main floor. I hear movement from upstairs and race up the steps, taking two at a time. I barge into Scott's room, empty. I turn and walk towards Spencer's room to see a big sign outside the door that reads, 'KNOCK FIRST!' in big, black, bold letters. Yep she's home. I knock first before I swing the door open to reveal Spencer laying down face down on her bed.

             "You read the sigh." She chuckles into the bed.

             "I did." I laugh lightly. "Where's Scott?" I question sitting down beside her.

             "Probably stocking Allison." She huffs into the pillow. "Did you get rid of the wolfsbane?" She asks sitting up and looking at me.

             "Yes." I lie.

             "Liar." She smirks and lays back down.

             "How can you tell?"

             "I read somewhere that when someone's lying their heartrate speeds up, and yours just did." She says looking over at me.

             "You read too much." I scuff causing her to chuckle. "I'm only keeping it for research purposes." I defend.

             "Okay." She says sarcastically. She flips over on her back and stares out her bedroom window right above her bed. "We should get going soon." She informs. "The sun's setting and the game starts in an hour."

             "Okay." I say standing up and looking out the window. "What are we gonna do about Scott?" I question as she walks around her room, tossing lacrosse gear into her gym bag.

             "I honestly don't know..." She sighs, stopping to look at his closed bedroom door. "I guess all we can do is keep him in check."

             "We can try." I sigh. She nods and grabs her bag off her floor and swings it over her shoulder.

             "Let's go kick some ass." She smiles and drags me out of her room. I laugh as we walk down the stairs and walk towards my jeep. She tosses her bag in the back and hops into the passenger seat.

             "Wow this is a new record!" She gasps. "Sitting in the passenger seat twice." She laughs and I roll my eyes as I start the jeep and pull out of the driveway. A comfortable silence falls between us as we drive to the school. We hop out and grab our bags walking towards the change rooms. We're pretty early but a few of our teammates are already here. She waves bye as she walks into the girls' change room and I into the boys'.

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