Chapter 24: "I Love Her"

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Stiles' P.O.V

"Alright, you stay away from her for a few days, you can do that?" I suggest, walking into the locker room and putting my bag back in my locker.

"But is it a few days, or is it forever?" Scott questions.

"You know, this whole 'women make you weak' thing is a little too Spartan warrior for me." I explain. "It's probably just part of the learning process."

"Yeah, but you've seen Derek. I mean, the guy's totally alone... What if I can, like, never be around her again?"

"Well, if you're not dead, that could be a good thing." I reply sarcastically.

"I rather be dead." He sighs like a love-struck puppy.

"You're not gonna end up like Derek, all right? We'll figure it out."


"Come on. Let's get out of here." I say patting his back.

"Something smells terrible in here, anyway."

"Really? In a boys' locker room? That doesn't make any sense at all." I sass. Like brother like sister, I don't think they understand the whole 'body odor' concept all that well, even with their werewolf senses.

"No, it's like something's rotting or dying." He explains.


We walk out of the change room and meet up with Spencer. A wide grin spreading on her face as I intertwine our hands, heat coursing through my body. Finally, I can hug her, kiss her, compliment her whenever and wherever I want. God it took forever. We walk into economics and coach is already in a pissy mood.

"Let's go! Sit, sit, sit, sit!" He commands.

"You put the phone back, right?" She whispers in my ear before we take our seats. Her in front of me, Scott across from her.

"Ummm." I say looking around; she playfully rolls her eyes at me, facing the front of the class.

"We got a lot to cover today! Let's go! Quicker." Coach barks as Allison walks into class and looks at the empty desk behind Scott.

"Hey, Stiles, sit behind me, dude." Scott begs. I quickly pick up my bag and rush behind him, only to be cut off by Allison. She smiles at me before sitting down; I give Scott an apologetic look before I sit back down behind Spencer.

"So close." She whispers. I playfully roll my eyes at her as coach begins writing on the board. We eavesdrop a little on Scott and Allison's conversation, Spencer points a finger to her mouth and fake gags. I laugh quietly, placing my hands by my mouth and do weird hand motions to make it look like I'm throwing up. Coach drops a book on his desk; bring the class to a defining silence.

"Let's settle down." He announces. "Let's start with a quick summary of last night's reading." A few hands raise in the air, mine and Spencer's included. "Greenberg, put your hand down. Everybody knows you did the reading... How about, uh McCall?" He calls.

"Gonna have to be a little more specific, coach." Spencer calls.

"Right, McCall comma Scott." Coach sasses.

"What?" Scott asks confused, clearly not paying attention as he didn't do the reading.

"The reading." Coach repeats.

"Last night's reading?" Scott asks and Spencer face palms herself.

"How about, uh, the reading of the Gettysburg Address?" Coach asks sarcastically, a few classmates snickering.

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