Chapter 17: Magic Bullet

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I'm awoken from the dead of sleep, the presence of another and the sound of movement coming from across the hall catching my full attention. I peek my eyes open, searching through the darkness to find my phone. I click the home button and the screen lights up the whole room. It's two in the morning, what the hell is Scott doing?! I think to myself, sitting up from the bed, only to be pulled back down. I look to my right, a little startled to find Stiles sound asleep next to me. I forgot he was still here. I think to myself as I slowly lift his arm up and crawl out of his grasp.

I look down and notice that I'm still wearing my clothes from our 'group date' and quickly change into a pair of sweats and my #12 lacrosse hoodie. I pull my hair up into a ponytail and slip on my sneakers, there's no way Scott would be up at this time if it wasn't because of Derek. I think to myself as I crack my door open and tip-toe into Scott's room. I catch him sliding his window open, swinging his legs out of the opening and disappears into the night.

             "Come on Spence, we don't have all night." He whispers, poking his head back in.

             "What happened?" I ask in a yawn, copying his movements, sliding the window closed before summer saluting off the roof and landing perfectly in the front yard on all fours, this time Scott following.

             "I heard a gunshot." Scott states. "And a howl."

             "So it's Derek and the Hunters?" I question as we begin to run towards the city.

             "No, this was a different howl... like the Alpha."

             "Hold on." I say stopping him. "What the hell is an Alpha?" I question confused by this new term in the werewolf world.

             "He's the one that bit us, not Derek. We are the Alpha's betas."

             "So what you're telling me is that there's another one?"

             "Yes, and he's stronger than both of us, more animal..."


             "And he wants us; we're a part of his pack."

             "Holy shit..."

             "Come on we're almost there." He says dragging me down an alley.

             "Hold on, I hear something." I state, pulling him around another corner. It sounds like a man and a woman, but the man sounds familiar. We peek our heads out and find Allison's Dad talking to a woman who resembles the same features, an assault rifle strapled to her back, an assortment of guns, weapons, and ammunition placed on her person. Great, more hunters.

             "Chris, there were two of 'em." The woman explains.

             "The Alpha?" Allison's dad questions.

             "I don't know, but one of them tried to kill me."

             "One of them is gonna lead us to the other." He explains. "He can't do that if he's dead."

             "Well, I can't help kill either of them if one of them kills me first." She sasses.

             "How long will it take?" He asks looking around the warehouses.

             "I give him forty-eight hours." She shrugs, "if that." She smiles sinisterly before walking back to his car and they drive off.

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