Chapter 36: Date Night

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I kick the door to my room open, dropping the few bags of clothing by the end of the bed as I fall on onto the soft mattress. I don't know why I always let Lydia talk me into buying everything we see, pretty soon I'm gonna be a shopaholic too. I laugh to myself as a knock on the door snaps me out of my thoughts, I walk over as open my door to see Allison standing outside Scott's room. My eyes go wide as I quickly close my room door as she begins talking.

"Sorry. Your mom let me in. Can we talk?" Allison's voice rings clear through my ears. Shit shit shit shit shit I don't want to hear their conversation! I think scrambling to find my phone, quickly plugging in my head phones and blasting music. I let out a small sigh as the music drowns out any other sounds around me. I pull out my backpack and begin working on my homework to pass the time, texting a few of my friends here and there.


A doorbell rings, brining me out of my daze. The sound of footsteps running down the stairs draws me out of my room as I follow slowly behind, I hope it's pizza, I'm starving. The doorbell rings again as mom's voice follows.

"Scott! Get the door." She yells from down the hall. I make my way down the stairs to see Scott staring at the door, a strange feeling washing over me as the doorbell rings multiple times, causing Scott to flinch away.

"Scott what is it? What's wrong?" I whisper, standing beside him.

"Scott! For the love of God, please!" Mom calls.


"I-I don't know, but... somethings wrong." He whispers, looking down as the handle slowly turns. Both our hearts are beating like crazy as we watch it turn, before the door flies open, revealing no one.

"What the hell?" We both whisper.

"Hey." Mom calls coming down a few steps. "What are you doing? Aren't you gonna invite him in?" She motions to the door. We turn around to find Peter standing on our doorstep, my heart stops as my eyes go wide.

"Hello there." He smiles. My mind racing a mile a minute as Scott reaches down and tries to slam the door closed, only to be pushed back open by Peter. "Really? Slam the door in my face? Come on, Scott. Take a second to think that through."

"We'll tell her." I spit out.

"That I used to be a catatonic invalid with burns covering half my face? Good luck with that." Peter sasses.

"If you hurt her, if you even touch her-" Scott stutters.

"Scott, if I may interrupt your listing of the top five most impotent-sounding threats for a moment, try and remember that I've been in a coma for six years. Don't you think I'd like to have dinner with a beautiful woman?"

"Just-just half a second. Sorry." Mom interrupts, running around the house to get ready.

"Or maybe... You think that I've come up with an idea. Like how it might be easier to convince you to be part of the pack. If your mother is too." My mouth feels like sand paper as I stand there like a stature. Peter moves closer towards us, inside the house looking around. Scott drags me back as my legs are unresponsive to my brain screaming RUN. "You need to understand how much more powerful we are together... You two, me and Derek. Did you know that some of the most successful military operations during the Second World War were the German u-boat attacks? Do you know what they called them? Wolf packs. Did you know that? Or are you failing history as well?" Peter sasses yet again.

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