Chapter 7: Party

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Spencer's P.O.V

"Spencer... You and Scott are... you're-you;'re both werewolves." I sat on Stiles' bed for a few minutes taking in all the information he has just told me. I blink multiple times as I stare into his hazel eyes as a huge smile platters on my face.

"Stiles stop fucking around!" I laugh as I stand up and throw on a pair of sweats.

"Why does no one believe me?!" He sighs under his breath.

"It's not that I don't believe you Stiles, I'll always believe you..." I say sitting back down beside him and take his hands in mine. "It-it's just that werewolves... They don't exist, and even though you do have some solid points... you have no proof to back it up." I explain as a sad smile slips across his face. "Oh cheer up buttercup! There's a party tonight and you're invited!" I say trying to change the mood.

"I don't party and I don't have a date." He announces.

"Well boohoo!" I fake cry. "I, on the other hand, in fact do party and too do not have a date, which means you're my date and you're gonna party!" I smile and he does the same. "Now hurry up and change so we can go over to Lydia's house so I can get ready!" I say pushing him off the bed and towards the washroom.

"Fine!" He complains. "Only 'cause you're my date!" He yells from down the hall as my cheeks burn a bright red.


"Finally you're here!" Lydia squeals from her front door as I hop out of Stiles' jeep and I run up and give her a hug. "And what are you wearing!?" She asks with pure disgust on her face.

"MY lacrosse hoodie." Stiles defends walking up to us.

"Oh..." Lydia says walking into her house and dragging me along. "We need to get you out of these 'clothes' and make you look attractive again." Lydia jokes and I can't help but laugh; sure she's rude and snobby and uptight on the outside but inside is a loving, caring girl that took me four and a half years to find.

"I think she looks fine." Stiles argues from behind us.

"Well, considering plaid is your fashion icon, you're opinion doesn't really matter." Lydia sasses and I burst into a fit of laughter. "Anyways," She sighs, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "You stay down here, finish up with my decorations. We'll be upstairs getting this one ready, the party doesn't start for another three hours so hurry up." Lydia says dragging me up the stairs to her room. We walk in and there are dresses, jewelry and shoes thrown all over the place.

"Whoa!" I say as she starts digging through the piles of everything. "What happened in here?"

"Well first I needed to get ready. Then I knew you would forget the party was today so I had to find you something to wear and since you weren't here like you were supposed to be..." She says giving me a glare and I throw my hands up in defense. "I couldn't decide what you should wear. Now, go take a quick shower and put this on." she says handing me a skin tight hot pink strapless low cut dress. "And when you get out we'll do your hair and makeup and do some last minute preparations."

"Yes Ma'am!" I say giving her a mocking salute as I march into her bathroom. I take a quick shower, scrubbing my skin pink along with washing my hair before I hop out of the shower and put the dress on. It falls around my mid-thigh and hugs my body in all the right places. I walk out of the bathroom to find Lydia wearing a blue dress similar to mine except hers has straps and the cut is a little lower, revealing a little more cleavage and her hair is curled and pinned up with her makeup is done to perfection, as always, once she sees me she lets out a small gasp.

"Wow! That dress looks better then I though." She smiles and I blush. "Okay now come over so I can do some last minute touches."

"You do it best." I smile sitting down in front of her makeup table.

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