Chapter 13: Nerves

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About twenty minutes later the rest of the team shows up, including Scott.

             "Dude where were you?!" I question as he walks over towards me and begins changing.

             "Allison's." He sighs happily.  "You gonna try to convince me not to play?" He asks, lacing up his cleats.

             "I just hope you know what you're doing." I answer.

             "If I don't play, I lose first line and Allison."

             "Allison's not going anywhere." I tell him. "And it's one game that you really don't need to play."

             "I wanna play!" He raises his voice. "I wanna be on the team. I wanna go out with Allison. I want a semi-freaking normal life. Don't you get that?"

             "I get it." I sigh, taking my bag off and sitting beside him. "Just try not to worry too much while you're out there, okay? Or get too angry."

             "I got it." He nods.

             "Or stressed."

             "I got it."

             "Don't think about Allison being in the stands. Or that her father's trying to kill you and Spencer. Or that Derek's trying to kill you or Spencer. Or the girl he killed. Or that you might kill someone." I list as he looks at me anxiously. "If a hunter doesn't kill you two first-I'm sorry. I'll stop. Good luck."

Spencer's P.O.V

I finish changing in my lonely change room. The only good thing about having a change room to myself is the fact that no one can judge me when I blast One Direction for an hour. I finish changing and toss my extra stuff in my locker.  I tie my hair up in a lose ponytail and throw my helmet on, grabbing my stick as I hear Coach yelling at us to get our asses on the field. I run outside and jog on the field with my team. People are cheering in the stands and I can already feel my adrenalin building as a proud smile slips onto my face. I find Scott and Stiles and walk up to them, the huge smile on my face slowly fades when I notice both of them looking quite stressed.

             "What's wrong?" I pout.

             "Nerves." Scott brushes off. He's not completely lying.

             "Scott!" I hear Lydia's voice from behind me. I turn around and spot her walking towards us. She pushes past me and grips a small fistful of Scott's jersey. "I just want you to remember one thing for tonight." She informs him.

             "Uh... Winning isn't everything?" He asks confused. She laughs lightly and pats his shoulder.

             "Nobody likes a loser." She smirks, looking up at Allison in the stands. Oh God. I roll my eyes and sit beside Stiles on the bench. Lydia is certainly the master of manipulation that's for sure. "Good luck Spencie!" She smiles before hopping up the bleachers towards Allison and her creepy ass father. I take my helmet off and place it beside me as I begin nervously playing with my hair.

             "Quit being so nervous." Stiles says from beside me.

             "I-I wasn't-" I stutter.

             "You're doing your hair thing." I look down a blush lightly. "There's nothing for you to be nervous about, you're one of the best player on the team and you have superhuman abilities." He states. "You'll be fine." He says placing his arm around my shoulder, causing me to blush even more. I look up and see Isaac walking towards us and I smile up at him. I stand up and give him a quick hug.

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