Chapter 30

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Ann's POV

I burst through the doors of the hospital and headed towards the elevators. 8:43- just in time. Matt dropped me off and before he left, he told me he was going to go take care of something which I presumed was Carson. I hope he doesn't break his face TOO much.

Frantically, I pushed the button of the elevator. Though I despise elevators, I needed to use one this time. I pushed it over and over until the doors slid open. I threw myself inside and pushed the button for Danny's floor. I tapped my foot impatiently as I looked down at my phone, which was on 2%. Good thing I don't need to call anyone.

I looked down at myself, newly clothed in the dress I wore for the wedding. I didn't bother to even take a shower or hardly look in the mirror. There was no time for nonsense like that. Though my mascara was probably smeared Allover my face and my lipstick most likely gone, I knew Adam wouldn't care.

I heard the ding of the elevator, signaling that I was here. I waited patiently for the doors to slide open.

...But they never did.

I went into panic mode. What was going on? I stepped up to the metal doors and banged on them, tried to pull them apart, and even kicked it in frustration.

"Ugh!" I groaned. This cannot be happening! NOT NOW.

I pressed the emergency button and the elevator went dim. I presumed it was on energy saving mode or something. The time was now 8:45 and I decided I should call Adam to tell him where I am. I dialed his number and put it up to my ear, but it wasn't ringing. Confused, I pulled back just in time to see my phone die. Well that's just great. Is everything getting in the way?

First the rain, then Carson's little prank, then the elevator, now my phone? Is this some sort of stupid test?!

Adam will leave if I don't show up. He'd have to because he wasn't allowed in there after 9:00.

I leaned my aching head against the cool, metal doors just as a tear fell from my face. But then it hit me, I'm stuck in an elevator. Elevators are small, cramped, hells. And I'm all alone in here. Who knows how long it will be before I get out? Adam will probably be gone by then.

A sense of claustrophobia started in my chest. I breathed heavily as I stepped back into the middle of the small space and suddenly the walls were closing in on me. I actually started feeling dizzy and decided maybe I should sit down. I sat there, on the naked floor and put my head in my knees. Is it over yet?

A pain in my chest erupted, but I knew it wasn't from the claustrophobia. It was the fact that the stress of tonight was finally hitting me. Another tear of frustration fell off my lashes and I quickly wiped it away.

Okay, Ann. Just use this opportunity to think. Don't make it a time of panic. You'll make it in time.

My breathing slowed down whenever I began to think about that voicemail. It's really weird to think someone's in love with me.

It's hard to imagine Adam not getting any sleep because he's thinking about me or smiling whenever I text him or something. It's even harder to think it probably took him a lot of will-power to stay mad at me. Was he even mad at me? Why didn't he tell me about Carson sooner if he wasn't mad? But Adam would never take revenge on me or anything... Ever. No matter how mad he was at me. But why wouldn't he tell me? If I would've know, I could've spent this night with him instead of Carson. I wouldn't be drenched with rain water, my mascara wouldn't have ran, my leg wouldn't be cut, but would he have told me he loved me if I wasn't with Carson? Maybe it was a good thing I went with him, so Adam would just come out and say it.

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