"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11
* * *
My vision was blurry, my hearing was off, and my mind was wandering. I was dazed and confused at what he meant by 'somewhere i've needed to be'. I was actually kind of scared. What if Adam is really a murderer rapist criminal who's taking me into the woods to beat me and toss me down a hole?
But then again, it's Adam: The good little church boy. Unless that was his cover!
The Body of Christ Church, the bright blue, luminescent sign read.
Wait, I used to go here. But When I was 15, I left. I didn't need God anymore. I mean, my life was going great and he'd given me everything i'd needed. So my "plan" was fullfilled, right? So why would Adam take me here? Just because he still needs God doesn't mean I do.
"I'm not going in." I muttered.
He sighed and said, "I'm just trying to help."
"I know. I'm still not going though."
He opened his door and stood outside so he was leaning inside the car. "Okay then. If you wanna stay here and freeze inside this small, cramped car instead of going inside where its a nice 73 degrees and fresh hot chocolate and coffee, then be my guest." He finished and slammed the door, which made the windows rattle.
Ugh. He's trying to guilt me into going inside. But I won't give. Plus I didn't want to be seen like this; All muddy and wet. He can just deal with the fact that I'm happy with who i've become. I don't need him or God.
I watched him walk in to the church and greet some of his friends as I sat there, trying my best not to shiver. I was freezing my butt off and he didn't even bother to skip church to bring me inside my house or anything. He basically kidnaps me from the outside of my house, then takes me here? Who the hell does he think he is, trying to force religion on me?
I groaned in frustration and hit my balled fists on his dashboard. You know what? I don't want Adam mad at me. That was the frustrating part. If I didn't go inside into the comfortable 73 degree aired church, he would be mad. I didn't want to lose the only friend I had.
But the other side of me was saying, Don't go in. You don't need him or God. Just go to the Starbucks down the street.
Now, Starbucks is sounding really good. But I didn't need another person hating me. It's time to swallow my pride and suck it up.
There was a click! as I unlocked my door and thrusted it open. I stepped out into the crisp air that seemed to be a few degrees colder than it was in the car. I watched out for puddles in the parking lot as I made my way towards the door. When I looked through the glass door, there were about 25 teens all gathered together in some sort of lobby, talking and laughing as they sipped on their drinks. I exhaled and slowly opened the door. When I opened it, a warm gust of sweet smelling air breathed down my skin.
I walked in, hugging my arms tight against me. My mind was fully alert and my adrenaline was pumping. I was so nervous that my cold hands were getting sweaty. I looked around me at the surprisingly casually dressed teens around me. I thought they wear suits and ties and skirts?
"Let's go to church!" A man in jeans and a white t-shirt yelled from the corner of the room. He was a sporting a sloppy-looking 5 o' clock shadow and looked really tired, yet he seemed so happy.
The teens cheered as they followed him into a hallway. I was in the back of the line, hoping no one noticed me. Since there was no sign of Adam, I was completely lost so I just followed the group into a large room that had a stage with a giant cross behind it. About 100 red chairs were in neat rows of 10. The only lights were pointed towards the stage and the setting was secluded.
Everything I Had
Teen Fiction*OLD STORY* Ann Hatchet- I guess you could say she's a "Youth group Drop-out". She quit church when she was 15, believing she didn't need God as much as she used to. But when her boyfriend of 3 months suddenly turns on her, will she need God again...