My First Day

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Today is the first day of school. I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock at 5 o'clock a.m. I always set my alarm to go off with my favorite band. Which of course is Green Day. When I actually got up it was 5:10 a.m. school starts at 7 o'clock a.m. I got up took a shower, did my hair, and did my makeup. After I did all that I went downstairs to eat breakfast. I noticed the clocks at 6:30 a.m. I had to leave so I rushed out the door. I jumped into my car and drove to school. I already had my schedule so I found my locker and put my books away and went to class. When the bell rang(two classes later) it was lunch. I sat alone. A girl walked up and sat down. I asked her name she told me it was Brittany. She was blonde. When lunch was over Britney walks me to class. She said we have the same class so we sat next to each other. She said to meet her at the bus stop after school. I said I'll be there. *3 hours later* I met britt at the bus stop. She had a boy with her. She said this is Mike. I know he's from my favorite band Green Day I said. He seemed very pleased. She said they have to go so I got to my car and drive home. When I got home my mom was standing in the kitchen. She said where was I. I told her I met a friend at school. She was so happy for me and gave me a big hug. I told her I have homework to do so I went up to my room did my homework and then I fell asleep. Before I went to sleep I thought that tomorrow at school I would ask Brittany if I could have her number so I could call her that night.
*The next day*
Today at school is Britney for her number. She gave it to me and her walked to class together. When class was iver it was lunch. Of course i sat with mike and britt. Mike told me that billie was gonna be comming back to school tomorrow and that he was just on vacation. *after school*
I called britt and told her i was excited to meet billie and that i might puke. She told me not to be nervouse and just talk to him and be warned that he might have a different hair color. She was right i just need to talk to him.
*the next day*
Of course I woke up to my alarm same Green Day song everyday because I'm in love with it and so I got ready did my hair and makeup and all that stuff took a shower ate breakfast and then I got in my car and I drove to school but I picked up Brittany because she needed a ride her car broke down. She asked if I was excited to meet Billie Joe. I told her I was so excited. When she said that I noticed we were at school. I went to my locker and then looks away I closed it and I walked into a locker and dropped everything I was holding to the left of mine. I walked into ummm I stuttered wasn't seriously who I thought it was oMG yes it was him it was billie joe real Billie Joe I'm so excited. He said he was sorry but I said its not your fault. And then I just walked away and I met Brittany at lunch we SAT together with Mike. Billie came walking over. Mike said to me are you ready to meet him. I said totally. Billie came over. Britney was right he did change his color hair. He sat next to me. I just fell in love with this lovely green eyes and fluffy black hair. I said to him it's a pleasure to meet you I've always wanted to meet you you're my favorite band ever. He said thank you. We both met eyes and then I knew we were meant to be together. I loved him and I just met him. Ummm, Billie can I have your number and call you tonight. He said yes and gave me his number. And then he walked away. It was the end of the day I got in my car went home and called Billie. We talked on the phone for about a half an hour and then my phone died and I fell asleep.

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