Chapter NINE

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   I feel spent...

                  So much had happened, especially this morning. I forcefully lifted my arms, stretching it, arching my back forward. I really like to sleep, but I was also excited about our 'guest'. I stared blankly at the wall. I didn't know how many guests are we expecting.

20Minutes is not enough for me to get ready, prepare food, or even- I was cut off from my internal argument to myself when a thought hit me.

'Food... If they're Vlad's friends, are they vampires too? Do they eat food? Blood? Or both? I'm sure I have something to cook, I always fill up my pantry, but...where will I get blood?'

                 My feet were moving by themselves, as my daily routine, I always get a shower right after waking up. It flashes out all sleepiness and forces my body to wake up. I decided to have a quick shower because I already spent 10 minutes just thinking about their 'food source'. And I admit, I missed him already. I just wanted to always stay beside him.

What we shared earlier was really amazing, although it's a bit surprising, I felt the connection. His emotions, his intentions, and most of all his love. But I felt a bit disappointed because he didn't show himself to me a few years ago. He said that he'll explain everything to me. He will answer all of my questions.

            The warm water made it impossible to see properly, almost making my head misty too. My head is swirling with lots of questions. Mysteries that I needed to unveil. I might need to write down all of my questions to him, 'who is he really? Where did he come from? Why the late introduction to me? And, what about the werewolf? I didn't know him, but his anger felt personal. I just met him and yet, he was like getting some revenge on me.

Or , he did that to get back at Vlad? But what did Vlad do to make him that mad?' I did say a quick shower, but looking now at my flushed skin, I need to get out of the shower.

                   As I towel dry myself I suddenly stop. I'm sure I was bloodied that night. I felt my wounds, they're really deep and blood was gushing out. And I knew from his attack I gained a lot of scratches and maybe, bruises from his tight hold.

Especially, from the black wolf's attack, my shoulder has 4 claw marks.

                 Last time I saw it, my skin was opened and blood was all over me. My hip too, was all bloodied and it's a miracle that I was still able to ran that night. I blinked at my suppose to be wounded self. I didn't feel anything, no pain, fractured bones, no open wounds, not even scars!

              The only feeling I have now was tiredness, I'm sure it's because of what he did to me. I felt myself blushed at the memory. It felt really good...

My hand went to touch my nipples, and surprised that just by thinking about it made it hard right away. That is how he affects me, only just thinking made my body tingle with anticipation.

Hoping that we can do those things again. I pulled my hand just in time to touch the inside of my thighs. The tingling sensation was there again-in my pussy. I mentally slapped myself, am I getting horny now?

                 This is really bad, I need to relieve myself but he's waiting for me. And he-he can hear me! I let out a groan when I remembered his special ability- Hearing thoughts. This is really unfair, he can read mine but not his. Even just clues about what his thinking is impossible. Vlad found it to be amusing that I was irritated when he 'accidentally' reads my mind.

Accidentally my ass, he can just ignore my thoughts, but no, he always wants to remind me of my 'pervy thoughts' and especially me cursing in my head.

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