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        Before we walked through the thick bushes, I turned to look for the last time. Although the twins were unconscious, the important thing was they're still alive.

“Let's go...” Duncan casually said.

             Noticing that Ross, his Beta, wasn't moving away from the twins, I didn't move an inch. Duncan saw this as a question and smiled at me. He flashed his canines and his blue eyes darkened, like he was going to shift anytime. He thought that I would be mesmerize from his smile. Maybe if he use that on other girls they will fall head over heels in love with him, but not me.

I knew his true nature and him, smiling at me, was more alarming.

“He'll stay here with those pups. Don't worry he won't hurt them, just making sure that you'll cooperate.”

           I looked straight into his darkened blue eyes. His proud stature was irritating to see. He didn't look troubled or even nervous. It looks like doing these kinds of things- kidnapping me and hurting innocents were just a normal thing for him. I felt my anger slowly rising and at the same time, worried that Ross might do something to the twins. They're not suppose to be lying there, unconscious. It was my fault that their hurt.

“I already told that you I'll go with you, so why-” I didn't have enough time to dodge when he quickly wrapped his arms on my waist.

Even with my enhanced senses, he was too quick for me. I jerked and tried to slip away from his tight grasped, but he was just too strong.

“Let go! You ass-” He was quick to put a hand on my mouth. Duncan lifted me with an arm encircling my waist and started walking.

When we were a few meters away from Ross and the twins, I stopped resisting.

“That's a good girl...”

       He thought that I'm giving up? Well, he's absolutely wrong. I need to calm myself and think of a better plan to escape. But with the twins unconscious and guarded with Ross it would be impossible. I knew that werewolves uses mind link so Duncan can instantly alert Ross if anything were to happen.

I thought that giving up would be a better option, so I stayed still and let him carry me. Duncan slowly removed his hand that was covering my mouth and put me down. I didn't move or ran because I could still feel his ragged breathing behind me, besides he can catch me easily.

He pressed his broad chest on my back. I gasped when I felt a warm hand on my neck, re-arranging my hair to the side. Duncan traced his nose on my neck and felt goosebumps when he inhaled my scent.

My heart instantly raised and alarmed from his actions. I already knew what he was trying to do and I'm not letting him. But a thought hit me.

'I could use this...'

“Why do you like that leech?” Suddenly, both of his hands went to my breasts, grabbing them with such dominance.

“He- he chose me...I don't have control over that.”

             He lifted my breasts, massaging them expertly and after that he traced his fingers on the area surrounding my nipples. I moaned from the sensations that he was creating. Small electric shocks traveled through my back, making my legs buckled. My breathing hitched every time his fingers would gently touched my nipples.

Another moaned escaped my lips when his warm breath tickled my neck. I unconsciously stepped back and instantly felt a bulge that was poking my ass. I heard his deep growl and his gripped tightened around my breasts.

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