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               It was dark when I woke up. I wasn't sure if it's late night or my windows were shut, closed. My body felt tired. I couldn't feel my arms and legs, all numb. I didn't want to get up, but because of my phone's annoying sound I was snatched from my dreamless sleep. I forced my dozy eyes open, blinking at the smallest ray of moon light peeking through my window.

              I surprised myself when I quickly got out from bed and my phone on my hand. I almost tripped from the sudden movement of my legs when I reached my boudoir. I didn't feel my body made a 'whoosh' sound when I moved, I just remembered walking normally. I clutched my chest because of the weird thumping sound my heart made. As much as I would love to explore my new found abilities, it's much better to answer my sister's messages first.

'200 text messages?' I sighed.

I reluctantly opened my inbox, fearing that it was about their trip to Paris. She was forcing me to come with them, almost tried to steal my passport. But luckily, she didn't know where the keys are to my drawer.

I snickered at the memories of my little sister. She was really a pain in the ass, literally my ass! She used to spank me when I turned around after lecturing her about her studies. I didn't know if she understood every word I said, but I can't get angry at her because she was my only sister.

I love her spirit... I love that every time she broke up with her boyfriend, she would cry until her eyes were blotchy red and the next day she would ask me to go shopping with her.

My phone's screen suddenly flashed, revealing all her one sentence text messages to me.

'Damn it! She can just send me one long message. It would be easier that way.'

I was hoping to have lunch with you today.

Paris is sooooo romantic!

Next time you should come with us!

Oh, I brought you chocolates!

I went to your room.

Look under your bed.

          I tiredly scratched my eyes and slowly walked towards the bed. Unconsciously, I dropped down to the floor in a push-up position. Before my face hits the floor I easily held out my hands to control myself from kissing the carpet.

“W-Wow...” Eyes widened in disbelief. The rush from doing unexpected things like this sent a tingle of excitement throughout my body.

I instantly smelt the scent of leather from under my bed. The leathery scent was so strong that I suddenly scrunched my nose. Obviously, my sense of smell became stronger than before. I stretched my arm under the bed and felt something leather. I narrowed my eyes at it, trying to see what could she brought me from Paris. Something clinked when I grabbed the handle.

Slowly, I pulled the leathery thing and there I saw the most adorable bag.

           It was a Black Dior Panarea. I'm not sure about the exact price, but if it's from Dior, of course it would be expensive. A small smile littered my face from the thought of my little sister buying this for me.

She could be sweet, sometimes.

I leaned again, peeking another wrapped object under my bed. The smell of delicious chocolates filled my nose when I reached the box with a red ribbon on it. I quickly got up and grabbed my phone, opening another message from my sister, Sarah.

It's from Michel Cluizel’s shop on rue Saint-Honoré.

Well, the bag was just a spur of the moment.

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