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Warning: Contains graphic content.

                 Pain was instantaneous. The moment he plunged his thick cock inside me, I became still for a moment. I was still breathing, but it was quick and shallow. Cold sweat flowed down from my forehead to my reddened cheeks. I couldn't feel my legs, but I knew that I was wide open in front of him. I felt sick and aching all through out my body. I hope that I would faint from the extreme hurt I was feeling right now, but no luck. I tried to hold back my screams when Vladimir pushed his body again, breaking the thin barrier inside. My body involuntarily jerked as he adjusted himself on top of me.

I pulled my hands free from his tight gripped but I just heard him groaned when I tried to move. It was so easy for him to secure me with just his hands. Even though, I started to change as a vampire, he was so ahead of me.

“If you don't want to faint, don't move.”

               I quickly looked at him when I heard his deep, husky voice. I noticed the strong accent behind his words and that scared me. His neck has bulging nerves that looked like it was about to popped out. It's like he's a different person now. I didn't waver when his red, piercing eyes met mine. Yes, I'm scared but I didn't want him to see how he affects me at that moment.

Vladimir raised a curious brow at me.

“Challenging me, eh?” After that, I felt him slowly pulling away from me. It was still painful from his forced intrusion but I was relieved that he stopped.

Maybe, he realized something that's why he stopped...

Maybe, just maybe, I was already forgiven...

“Please, Vladimir... I-I said I'm sorry.. I didn't mean what I said earlier-”

He lifted me to his lap so I was straddling him.

My moment of relief was short time. I thought that he would let me go and we'll just talk things out.

I was ready to forgive him.

I didn't try to move because I was still hoping that we would just talk.

“You do know the danger of what you did, right?” His muscled arms slowly circled around my hips, caging me.

He gently reached for my cheek, wiping my tears that I didn't notice were dripping down uncontrollably.

“Y-Yes... B-But, I just did that because of my-” I was cut off when I saw his red eyes started to darken.

The white part of his eye began to redden, making his irises stand out more.

It was like obsidian glowing in the dark.

           He's black hair began to raise, being lifted by some unknown force behind him. My eyes widened in disbelief when his shirt began to tear. I saw his chest grew larger, his muscled arms became more bulge than before. I flinched when I felt his legs grew bulkier and that made him groaned.

I knew that he was still hard from earlier, and a little movement would arouse him more.

              Before, I would be aroused immediately when he touched me. The effect of his cold but somehow warm hands would make me go crazy right away. His sincere voice filled with love would hypnotize me. And the way he looked at me- dangerous but passionate would send me to oblivion.

But right now, I was scared. I wanted to run away from him. This was the first time that I've seen him like this.

So, different...

Powerful, without any sense of control...


He wasn't Vladimir anymore. It's like he's been possessed by a demon. And I knew right away that talking won't do anything.

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