Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


"Bye Lotte, see you last period," I waved to Charlotte as she left for class.

"See ya girl."

As we left out the cafeteria, I headed to my locker as I remembered I didn't go to it when I was talking to Jake after fourth period, but when I made it, Celeste was nearby. I sighed already annoyed when she headed my way because I really didn't want to acknowledge her.

"Hello Deeee," she greeted with her famous wiggle fingers. I guess I can't get out of this now.

"Hi Celeste," I said back not looking at her with a fake smile.

"So how are you today?" she asked all preppy-like.

"Awesome," I titled my head at her pausing. "How about yours?"

"Better than yours will ever be," she smiled back grinning. I didn't leave my stare. "I was just checking up on you," she shrugged.

"Thanks, I appreciate it, but don't you have better things to do than to get all in my business since I know that's what you're doing?" I asked her straight up. She gave me an ugly face. "Because I do," I smiled kind of slamming my locker door. She jumped, along with her un-intimidating besties beside her.

"Well bye Celeste. See you later for cheer practice," I wiggled my fingers, mocking her. She gasped at me disgustedly as I walked away out the main building to the science halls.

Celeste didn't scare me even when she tried to intimidate me and she wasn't my bully either, or someone I'd wish who'd leave me alone. She was just a mean girl who was a bitch to the all the girls she was afraid that might take her rank and I didn't even want it.

I was about to walk into class when Asher stopped me. "Hey Dawn!" he smiled at me happily. 'Yes!' I thought, a smile creeping it's way across my face.

"Hey Asher!" I said back.

"Sorry, I'm just really happy I passed last Six Weeks in physics. I got an 88," he told me. I smiled really happy for him.

"Aw that's cool! You deserve another pencil," I inside joked walking into class. He laughed behind me.

"Haha, yeah, but I honestly wanted to thank you personally," he said seriously as we sat down at our table.

"What? What did I do?" I asked him smiling.

"Remember that project we had to do together last month? Yeah, it raised my grade 10 points because we made a 98 on it and it was test grade," he nodded. I had to chuckle.

"Hold up a 98? Why did we get two points off?" I really wanted to know. He shook his head making that crooked smile I drool for every time.

"We spelled a label wrong," he shrugged. I busted out laughing.

"Oh my God, that's so stupid," I got out my journal.

"But we passed," he mentioned right after me. "That's all I care about." I looked at his light brown eyes.

"Meeee too," I smiled at him. He smiled down at me.

"So, what time do you want to go out tomorrow for those tacos?" he asked me nudgeing his elbow into my ribs. I chuckled playfully pushing him away.

"I'm not sure," I tried to keep my cool. Jake didn't tell me what time would be good for a 'first' date, but I didn't want it to be extremely after school because I know he probably had swim practice, but I didn't want to go at like 8 o'clock, because we do still have school tomorrow.

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