Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter 21


We both got out our cars and I went in my trunk and took out all the shopping bags at which Jake bought most of all of them, and he met me over in my yard as I closed my trunk somewhat struggling with everything.

"Haha! You got more than I thought," Jake commented coming over getting some of the bags.

"Yeah, because of you," I laughed at him locking my car. He shrugged.

"Couldn't help myself Kit-Kat," he pitched his lips closed looking at me. I squinted my eyes at him with a titled head and turned around, not knowing how to take that comment. I unlocked the door to my house and stepped in and my mom was cooking a late dinner and honestly it smelt divine.

"Hey Mother," I called to her.

"Dawn, did you get some stuff?" She called to me. As Jake and I walked down the foyer, into the open living room and kitchen, Jake replied,

"I think she got more than 'some'." Mother, surprised to hear a male voice, jumped a little, turned around and her face brighten.

"Jake! I didn't know you were going to accompany my daughter in all this! How are you sweetie?" She asked him. Jake went around the island and side hugged her and came back.

"I'm doing great actually. I saw your daughter at the mall, and I figured I would make sure she was alright by herself," he grinned down at me. I rolled my eyes huffing my breath at his lie, that was actually believable and pretty good, but I couldn't tell him that. That'll show my weakness.

"Aww how sweet of you. Dee, what all did you get? You got oddly a lot," she said making some kind of sauce.

"Well, Jake was so kind, Mother, he paid for a good load of this," I told her truthfully. She gasped.

"Ohhh how sweet of you Jake! Well just for that, you two go put all that upstairs and join me for dinner. You can have some too Jake. Dee's father is working overtime tonight."

"Alright Mother," I began to walk back through foyer up the stairs.

"Thank you Mrs. Noel, it's much appreciated."

"Anytime Jake," Mother replied generously. I beat Jake to my room and I heard him follow behind me and he stepped inside and looked around.

"Hmm," he said setting the bags down by my bed. "You've grown up."

"I have," I agreed with him, putting the other bags he brought on my bed opening my closet.

"I like it. You know, with the touch of gold and everything. It's nice," he complimented.

"Thanks," I took off my shoes and place them in their appropriate spot. "It was my idea." Jake nodded.

"I can tell. It's better than that zebra print you and all the other trendy tween girls had in middle school. " I looked back at him as he chuckled and I rolled my eyes turning around again.

Jake walked around my room like he was reminiscing what it use to look like, while I went to change. I grabbed a hoodie and some cozy sweatpants, and while he observed some pictures of Charlotte and I from last year's summer at Disney World and camping, I decided to change into my sweatpants in the closet with the door cracked, and I don't know if Jake was paying attention to me with the little he could see, but he asked a question,

"You and Lotte are mighty close huh?" I came back out feeling a relief from my legs in those tight jeans.

"Yup. We met freshmen year and here are, inseparable," I looked at the picture with him. He looked at me and I noticed he glanced at my lips and I backed away to my bed for my hoodie, and I added, "and probably because we know our deepest darkest secrets. We can't jeopardize that if we break up our friendship." Jake laughed, turning around in my desk chair.

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